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Leonarab, zyxwvutsrqp Vol. zyxwvutsrq 3, pp. 97-103. Pergamon Press 1970. zyxwvutsrq Printed zyxwvu i n Great Britain zyxwvu ~~ ~ ~~ The terms defined below were selected from articles and notes written by artists in the previous number ofzyxwvutsrq Leonard0 (cf. Ref. 13, below). The terms cannot be found in the artdictionariesconsultedor are used in a new sense. Some are terms that have been carried over into the field of art from the natural and social sciences and from technology. Thedefinitionsare not presumed to be unassailable. TheEditorswould thereforewelcomethe comments of readerson the definitionspresented. Thefollowing referenceshave been consulted: _ _ _ _ ~ Les termes dbfinis ci-dessous sont extraits des articles et des notes h i t s par des artistes dans le numbro precedent de Leonard0 (cf. infra Ref. 13). Ces termes ne figurent pas dans les dictionnaires d'art ci-dessous ou sont utilih dans une nouvelle acception. Certains,quiproviennentduvocabulaire des sciences naturelles, des sciences exactes, des sciences humaines et de la technologie, ont btb introduits dans celui de l'art. Ces dbfinitions ne prbtendent pas &re inattaquables. La Ruaction serait donc heureuse de recevoir les commentaires 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. des lecteurs A leur sujet. Les ouvrages de rbfbrence suivants ont btb consult&: The Adeline Art Dictionary. Jules Adeline, Frederick Ungar, New York, 1967. TheBasic Dictionary zyxwvut o f Science. Ed. E. C. Graham,Macmillan,New York, 1965. Britannica World Language Dictionary. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chicago, 1962. A Dictionary of Art and Artists. Peter and Linda Murray, Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex, 1959. A Dictionary of Art Terms. Reginald G. Hagger, Hawthorn Books, New York, 1962. Dictionary o f the Arts. Martin L. Wolf, PhilosophicalLibrary, New York, 1951. Dictionnaire de la peinture abstraite. Michel Seuphor, Fernand Hazan, Paris, 1967. Dictionnaire de lapeinture moderne. Fernand Hazan, Paris, 1954. Dictionnaire polyglotte zyxwvu des termes #art et archdologie. Louis RCau, Presses Universitairesde France, Paris, 1953. Glossary of Modern Art. John O'Dwyer and Raymond Le Mage, The PhilosophicalLibrary , New York. The Harper Encyclopedia o f Science. Ed. James R. Newman, Harper and Row, New York, 1963. Lurousse Universel. Librairie Larousse, Paris, 1967. Leonardo,InternationalJournalof the ContemporaryArtist, 2, No. 4, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1969. Mathematics Dictionary. Third Edition, James and James, D. Van Nostrand, Princeton, 1968. Pergamon Dictionary o f Art. John FitzMaurice Mills, PergamonPress, Oxford, 1965. The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary. Third Edition, Revised with Addenda, Oxford at the ClarendonPress, 1965. Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary. G. & C. Merriam, Springfield, Mass., 1967. U.S. Navy Training Manual, Digital Computer Basics (0500-031-0400), Washington, D.C. Lexique de I'informatique.J. Guilhaumou, Entreprise Moderne #Edition, Paris, 1969. 1 . Analog computer (in computer technique) A 1 . Cdcalateur analogique (en informatique)Calculateur (ou: machineA traiterl'information) qui reprbsente chaque donnbe, variable ou constante, variableau moyend'analogiesphysiques.Doh,tout calculateur qui rbsout les problhmesen transposant des conditions physiques telles que la fluiditb, la temphatwe, la pression, la position angulaire ou computer which represents variablesand constants by physical analogies. Thus, any computer which solves problems by translating physical conditions suchasflow, temperature,pressure,angularposition or voltage into related mechanical or electrical quantitiesand usesmechanicalor electrical equiva97 ,;:. . 98 zyxwvutsrqpon Terminology-Terminologie zyxwv lent circuits as an analog for the physical phenomenon being investigated. In general, it is a computer which uses an analog for each factor and produces analogs as output. Thus, an analog computer measures continuously whereas a digital computer counts discretely. ([I31 p. 335; zyxwvut [18]) (cf. Digital computer, below) 2. Audio-kinetic sculpture-A kind of sculpture incorporating real motion that is controlled by ambient sound, such as music and speech. Sound intensity or frequency is converted into mechanical motion, for example, by means of electronic devices that control the direction of rotation of electric motors. Also a kind of kinetic sculpture whose motion produces sounds by means of appropriate auxiliary parts. zyxwvutsrq ([131 pp. 355, 403) 3. Batch-processing zyxwvuts (in computer technique)-A method of computer operation in which complete programs and related data are processed without external interaction, so that one batch may follow another at the computer’s speed. ([I31 p. 337) (cf. Off-lineprocessing and On-lineprocessing, below) 4. Cathode-ray tube...

