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  • Biographies

Anita Chari is assistant professor of political science at the University of Oregon. In addition to her work as a critical theorist, she is a creative writer, musician, composer, and facilitator of creative process work. Her work has appeared in Philosophy and Social Criticism, Sartre Studies International, Historical Materialism, and Contemporary Political Theory, and her first book A Political Economy of the Senses is forthcoming at Columbia University Press in the New Directions in Critical Theory series in October 2015. She is currently working on a book on embodied practices and their role in critical theory, entitled Embodied Transformations. Anita can be reached at and her website is

George Ciccariello-Maher teaches political theory from below at Drexel University in Philadelphia, and is the author of We Created Chávez, Building the Commune, and Decolonizing Dialectics. George’s email address is

Kennan Ferguson teaches political theory at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. He is Director of the Center for 21st Century Studies ( and co-editor of Theory & Event. Kennan can be reached at

Matthew Gayetsky is an assistant professor and director of debate in the Department of Communication at the University of Texas at Tyler. Matthew’s email address is

Michael Hardt teaches at Duke University. He is co-author, with Antonio Negri, of the Empire trilogy (Empire, Multitude, Commonwealth) and, most recently, Declaration. He currently serves as editor of The South Atlantic Quarterly. Michael’s email address is

Christian Marazzi is Director of Socio-Economic Research at the Scuola Universitaria della Svizzera Italiana. He obtained a degree in political science at Padua and a Masters in economics at the London School of Economics during the 1970s, and later a doctoral degree in economics at the City University of London. His 1994 book Il Posto dei calzini (translated in 2011 with the title Capital and Affects) has been a reference for post-workerist thought for over two decades. His most recent works include The Violence of Financial Capitalism and Capital and Language: From the New Economy to the War Economy. Christian can be reached at

Giuseppina Mecchia is Associate Professor of French and Italian and Director of French Graduate Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. She co-edited a special issue of the journal Sub-Stance on Italian Post-workerist Thought (Sub-Stance, 112, v. 36, n.1, 2007) and a special issue of the French journal Sites on The Idea of France (Sites, v.17, n.2, 2012). She has translated, edited and introduced several books of cultural critique, intellectual history and philosophy by Franco Berardi “Bifo’, Christian Marazzi and Paolo Virno. She has published essays on the politics of aesthetics in authors such as Marcel Proust, Jacques Rancière, Jean Baudrillard, Antonin Artaud, Gilles Deleuze, Paolo Virno, Elsa Morante and the Italian post-modern novel. Guiseppina’s email address is

Michelle Menzies is doctoral candidate at the University of Chicago, and a curator. Her dissertation, On Cinema as Media: Archeology, Experience, Digital Aesthetics, reads Henri Bergson and Michel Foucault at the intersection of media aesthetics, contemporary art, and the history of film. Curatorial projects include Cinema & Painting, Adam Art Gallery, Wellington, 2014; and the exhibition/symposium Phenomenologies of Projection, Aesthetics of Transition: Anthony McCall 1970-79, 2001—, University of Chicago, Chicago, 2012. Michelle’s email address is

Timothy S. Murphy is Houston-Truax-Wentz Professor of English at Oklahoma State University. He is the author of Antonio Negri: Modernity and the Multitude (Polity, 2012) and Wising Up the Marks: The Amodern William Burroughs (California, 1998), editor of The Philosophy of Antonio Negri vols. 1 and 2 (Pluto, 2005-2007), editor or co-editor of several special journal issues including Italian Post-Workerist Thought (Sub-Stance, 2007) and Homo Liber: Essays in Honor of Antonio Negri (Genre, 2013), and translator of Negri’s Subversive Spinoza (Manchester, 2004), Books for Burning (Verso, 2005), Trilogy of Resistance (Minnesota, 2011) and Flower of the Desert (SUNY, 2015). He edited the journal Genre: Forms of Discourse...
