- Southern Side Trip
Pressed into the pages of an imagined southern music scrapbook, photos and clippings tell of the hard work, heartbreaks, late nights, and bar fights behind the major movements of our shared sonic history. Flipping through, we see jazz beneath Storyville’s red lights, country music’s “Big Bang” in Bristol, southern soul and rock ’n’ roll painting Memphis in black and white, and the “Dirty South” rising tall above Atlanta’s urban sprawl.
These remarkable cultural convergences flood our collective memory, consuming the pages of this imaginary scrapbook with grand gestures and giant personalities that obscure the people, places, and sounds in between. Like too many pictures of the Grand Canyon from a family road trip, the destination eclipses the magic of the journey. In pursuit of a more rambling route through our current aural landscape, we pulled off the main road, rolled down the windows, and drove toward the music.
Southern Side Trip
Track List
1. “Hard Times Come Again No More”
stephen foster, arranged by marisa anderson 3:53
Traditional and Public Domain Songs, marisaandersonmusic.com
2. “Down In the Water” mipso 3:21
Faces (single), mipsomusic.com
3. “Son Arribeño de la Sierra Gorda”
raúl orduña y los trovadores 2:14
En Defensa de la Música de Vara, huapangosinfronteras.com
4. “Little Black Train” anna & elizabeth 3:38
Anna & Elizabeth, Free Dirt Records, freedirtrecords.com, annaandelizabeth.com
5. “Car Song” skylar gudasz 4:06
car song / dream lover (single), skylargudasz.com
6. “Migration” solar halos 6:53
Solar Halos, Devouter Records, devouterrecords.co.uk, solarhalos.com
7. “Find a Way” carlitta durand 4:12
I’ll be Gorgeous When I Die, carlittadurand.squarespace.com
8. “Karate Kicks” see gulls 2:55
You Can’t See Me, PotLuck Foundation, potluckfoundation.com/See_Gulls
9. “Keep it Kool” the koolest 2:57
Nerds at the Kool Table, wearethekoolest.com
10. “BlkBoi” blanket 2:22
Security, soundcloud.com/electriccactus
11. “Great Tide” phil cook 5:20
Southland Mission, Thirty Tigers & Middle West (2015), philcookmusic.com
12. “Candy Lady” dave ferrato 4:09
Later, On Decatur, daveferrato.com
13. “Magdalena” new orleans suspects 6:20
Ouroburos, Louisiana Red Hot Records, neworleanssuspects.com
14. “Nobody’s Darlin’”
steph stewart & the boyfriends 5:54
Nobody’s Darlin’, stephstewart.net
15. “Boll Weevil” alice gerrard 3:10
Follow the Music, Tompkins Square, tompkinssquare.com, alicegerrard.com
16. “Push Boat” jake xerxes fussell 5:47
Jake Xerxes Fussell, Paradise of Bachelors, paradiseofbachelors. com
17. “In the Pines” jenks miller & rose cross nc 9:12
Live Sept 6th, 2013, horsebacknoise.com, jenksmiller.bandcamp. com
18. “Red Land Drone” ezekiel graves 11:36
Oosawatoomie, soundcloud.com/gravaphone
running time 1:27:59
compiled by Aaron Smithers
mastered by Aaron Smithers and John Loy at the Southern Folklife Collection [End Page 124]
Special thanks to Steve Weiss, Curator, UNC’s Southern Folklife Collection.
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To download the tracks from Southern Side Trip, please visit: southerncultures.org/music7. Happy listening!