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REFLECTION AND PASSION IN TEACHING Maxine Greene Teachers College, Columbia University In the current efforts to account for the failings of American education, the searchlight of attention has been turned to the quality of teaching. The implication seems to be that teaching, among all the variables that affect colleges and schools, is most susceptible to management and repair. The themes recur in state after state: career ladders, merit pay, teacher testing, job analysis, effectiveness measures, definitions of "mastery." Salary increases are made contingent on their adoption. Official interest, however, focuses on their motivational and managerial aspects; and there is a taken-for-grantedness with respect to the idea that enhanced teacher quality will increase student achievement. When taken as a literal doctrine, Israel Scheffler's statement of some years ago, "There can be no teaching without learning," becomes a slogan.1 But in times of educational inertia, he said, a slogan of that sort takes on practical import: "To speak . . . of teaching as selling and of learning as buying, to suggest that teaching be compared with business methods improvable by reference to effects on the consumer, [is] to signal strikingly the intent to support reform of teaching."2 The buying and selling metaphor may not be used today, but clearly a very similar mode of thinking underlies current "reform" proposals. The insistent emphasis on achievement and the dangers we are said to face if achievement levels are not raised make the "success" use of "to teach" dominate, if not overwhelm, the "intentional" use of the term. Yet most practitioners still believe themselves to be teaching if they are engaged in a particular kind of deliberate, goal-oriented activity, in efforts to move others to learn to learn. Because of the persistence of reassuring slogans (those Scheffler called "rallying symbols of the key ideas and attitudes of educational movements,"3 ) the intentional dimension is being overlooked, along with many possible ways of thinking about the teaching act. It is with possible ways that I shall be concerned. The Prevailing Mode of Rationality What were called "business methods" in 1960 might be called technological paradigms today, and it is not surprising to find many of those working for school improvement and efficiency turning toward models of technical rationality. Donald Schon draws dramatic attention to this when he describes "the crisis in confidence in professional knowledge," including ours. He attributes this in part to a reliance on modes of professional knowledge that cannot account for the processes essential to competent practice: " making sense of uncertainty, performing artistically, setting problems, and choosing among competing paradigms... ."4 What we do, he tells us, is use a model of technical rationality that makes us think of intelligent practice as a series of instrumental decisions which we try to make more and more rigorous by the application of scientific theory and technique — in our case, in the guise of various psychologies, certain of the social sciences, or the instructional and computer sciences. Making such a point, Donald Schon summons up for me a body of literature and understandings that is, in many cases, repressed by the present reliance on "rallying symbols." Michael Polanyi's concept of "tacit knowledge";5 John Dewey's notion of mind "as a verb";6 Gilbert Ryle's emphasis on "knowing how" rather than "knowing that";7 the 20 inquiries into process, improvisation, open-endedness, and becoming: all these have been set .aside under the pressure of perceived "crisis" and conceived "risk." Schon moves me to wonder once again about the relation between scientific theory and technique and the diverse, unstable, particular situations in which teachers do their work. He makes me speculate, not so much about the uses of science per se, but about the impacts of positivism and technicism on the discourse and the practice of "educational reform." Following this path, I cannot but recall some words from the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty, who also wondered much about the relation between science and lived life. He wrote: Scientific thinking, a thinking which looks on from above, and thinks of the object-in-general, must return to the "there is" which underlies it: to the site, the soil of the sensible and...
