
Since the beginning of the pontificate of Saint John Paul II, an emphasis has been put on the new evangelization. This new evangelization was defined, not as a re-evangelization, but as a new evangelization. His two successors, Benedict XVI and Francis, have continued to emphasize this new evangelization. How can the reform of the Roman Curia, proposed by Pope Francis and desired by many, be at the service of this new evangelization? The author suggests that, above all, not new structures or a reshuffle of the existing structures are necessary, but rather a novus habitus mentis, with an emphasis on professionalism and service to the Roman Pontiff and the particular Churches. Or, to put it in the words of Pope Francis: “What we especially need in these times are credible witnesses who make the Gospel visible by their lives as well as by their words.” Such is also true for the Roman Curia.

