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  • Errata

We regret that the Arabic in the article “ The Children’s Literature of the Arab Countries: The Question of Language ” by Hala Bizri (issue 53.2) was misrepresented. We apologize for any confusion.

p. 74 fusha ()

p. 75 (Delicious “mouffata’a” [Lebanese pastry]),

hamza ()

ʾ() or ʾ marbūta ()

p 76 (Noura and Her Story)

(The Lazy Boys),

p. 77 (Seven and 7)

(What Color is the Sea)

(Ghaya and the Snake)


thu‘bān () or ḥayyaẗ ()

p 79

note 3. “For example, the word mas’ul (responsible) is written according to the Egyptian orthography and in the orthography called Damascene.”

note 4. “For example ʾ: the name Ali in Syrian-Lebanese is written whereas in Egypt the dots of ya are removed with thus creating a homonym to the preposition – on.

Example ʾ marbūta: in Egypt, “school” is written whereas it is written in Syria and Lebanon.

Qiraat Saghira [End Page 4]


