In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books on Books
  • Compiled and edited by Jutta Reusch and Christiane Raabe
Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults: Brave New Teenagers 83
Creating Books for the Young in the New South Africa: Essays on authors and illustrators of children’s and young adult literature 84
Dictionnaire du livre de jeunesse: la littérature d’enfance et de jeunesse en France 84
Een land van waan en wijs: Geschiedenis van de Nederlandse jeugdliteratuur 85
Poetika slikanice (Picture Book Poetics) 86
Unter dem roten Wunderschirm: Lesarten klassischer Kinder- und Jugendliteratur 87

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Jutta Reusch and Christiane Raabe

CHRISTIANE RAABE is the director and JUTTA REUSCH is the head of the library services of the International Youth Library in Munich, Germany.


