In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • List of Editors:Buildings & Landscapes

Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture 1 (1982), 2 (1986)
editor: Camille Wells

Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture 3 (1989), 4 (1991)
editors: Thomas Carter and Bernard L. Herman

Gender, Class, and Shelter: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture 5 (1995)

Shaping Communities: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture 6 (1997)
editors: Elizabeth Collins Cromley and Carter L. Hudgins

Exploring Everyday Landscapes: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture 7 (1997)

People, Power, Places: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture 8 (2000)
editors: Annmarie Adams and Sally McMurry

Constructing Image, Identity, and Place: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture 9 (2003)

Building Environments: Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture 10 (2005)
editors: Alison K. Hoagland and Kenneth A. Breisch

Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture: The Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum 11 (2004), 12 (2005), 13.1 (2006)
editors: Jan Jennings and Pamela Simpson

Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture: The Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum 13.2 (2006/2007), Special 25th Anniversary Issue
editors: Warren Hofstra and Camille Wells

Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum 14 (Fall 2007), 15 (Fall 2008), 16.1 (Spring 2009), 16.2 (Fall 2009)
editors: Howard Davis and Louis P. Nelson
book review editor: Marilyn Castro

Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum 17.1 (Spring 2010), 17.2 (Fall 2010), 18.1 (Spring 2011), 18.2 (Fall 2011), 19.1 (Spring 2012), 19.2 (Fall 2012)
editors: Marta Gutman and Louis P. Nelson
review editor: Andrew K. Sandoval-Strausz

Buildings & Landscapes: Journal of the Vernacular Architecture Forum 20.1 (Spring 2013), 20.2 (Fall 2013), 21.1 (Spring 2014), 21.2 (Fall 2014), 22.1 (Spring 2015)
editors: Marta Gutman and Cynthia G. Falk
review editor: Andrew K. Sandoval-Strausz [End Page 112]


