In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Forthcoming issues of French Studies will contain the following articles:

Tom Baldwin, On Garréta on Proust

Lucille Cairns, Bodily Dis-ease in Contemporary French Women’s Writing: Two Case Studies

Ronjaunee Chatterjee, Baudelaire and Feminine Singularity

Miranda Gill, Self-Control and Uncontrollable Passion in Stendhal’s Theory of Love

Sarah Hickmott, (En) corps sonore: Jean-Luc Nancy’s ‘Sonotropism’

Damien Mooney, ‘C’est jeuli, la Gasceugne!’: L’antériorisation du phonème /ɔ/ dans le français régional du Béarn

Elena Muceni, Mandeville and France: The Reception of the Fable of the Bees in France and its Influence on the French Enlightenment

Martin Munro, État présent: Haiti and Disaster Studies

Jonathan Patterson, ‘Diables incarnez, Machiavelistes, Heretiques’: The Villains of Pierre Matthieu’s La Guisiade Reconsidered

Chelsea Stieber, The Northern récit paysan: Regional Variations of the Modern Peasant Novel Genre in Haiti

Eliza Zingesser, Remembering to Forget Richard de Fournival’s Bestiaire d’amour in Italy: The Case of Pierpont Morgan Ms. 459 [End Page 438]


