- Contributors
Russell Alt-Haaker received his PhD in Germanic Languages and Literatures with a focus on film and Holocaust literature from Washington University in St. Louis in 2013. He is a professional translator, editor, and independent scholar based in Berlin, Germany.
Marta Bladek is a Reference Librarian at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, the City University of New York. Her research interests include the interplay of place and memory in contemporary life narratives, as well as post-Soviet Jewish American literature and Eastern European women’s memoirs.
Carolyn M. Cunningham is Assistant Professor in the Masters Program in Communication and Leadership Studies at Gonzaga University. She is the editor of Social Networking and Impression Management: Self-Presentation in the Digital Age (Lexington Books, 2012). Her research on gender and technology has been published in New Media & Society and the Journal of Children and Media.
Philip Holden is Professor of English at the National University of Singapore. His work in auto/biography studies includes the book Autobiography and Decolonization: Modernity, Masculinity and the Nation-State (U of Wisconsin P, 2008), and a number of articles in major scholarly journals such as Biography, Life Writing, A/B: Auto/biography Studies, and Postcolonial Studies. He has also published widely on Singapore and Southeast Asian literatures, is the co-author of The Routledge Concise History of Southeast Asian Writing in English (2009), and one of the editors of Writing Singapore (NUS, 2009), the most comprehensive historical anthology of Singapore literature in English.
A Professor of Latin American and Comparative Literature at the University of Iowa, Adriana Méndez Rodenas has published amply in the field of travel narrative, Caribbean literature, and gender studies. Her recent Transatlantic Travels to Nineteenth-Century Latin America: European Women Pilgrims (Bucknell UP, 2014) studies women’s travels to pre- and post-Independence Latin America. She is currently engaged in an ecocritical study of the Caribbean across historical periods and genres.
Jessica C. Murphy is Assistant Professor of literary studies at the University of Texas at Dallas. Murphy’s research focuses on early modern English [End Page 1167] literature and culture. Her book Virtuous Necessity: Conduct Literature and the Making of the Virtuous Woman in Early Modern England is forthcoming from the University of Michigan Press in 2015.
Joseph H. O’Mealy is Professor Emeritus and former Dean of the College of Languages, Linguistics, and Literature of the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. He has published extensively on Victorian era literature, theatre, and drama, and is the author of Alan Bennett: A Critical Introduction (Routledge, 2001).
Denis R. Pra obtained his PhD in French and Francophone studies at the University of California, Los Angeles in 2013. His research interests include twentieth and twenty-first century French and francophone literature and cinema. He is currently Adjunct Assistant Professor at Los Angeles Valley College.
Claudia Pummer is a lecturer in Critical Studies at the Academy for Creative Media at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. She received her PhD in Film Studies from the University of Iowa. Based on her dissertation project, her recent publications focus on the work of the European Avant-garde filmmakers Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet. Her current research deals with the aesthetics of natural disaster and its aftermath in contemporary fiction and documentary film.
Melanie Ried is currently writing a book on the sea journals and letters of American women who voyaged on whaling ships in the nineteenth-century. She is an adjunct professor in the New York University Liberal Studies Program, and received her PhD from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.
Sven-Erik Rose is Associate Professor of German at the University of California, Davis. His book Jewish Philosophical Politics in Germany, 1789–1848 was published by Brandeis University Press in 2014. His current book project, The Holocaust and the Archive from the Cold War to Postmemory, examines how engagement with—and neglect of—real and virtual Holocaust archives has shaped the understanding and memory of the Holocaust.
Matthew Ryan Smith is a Sessional Professor in the Department of Visual Arts at Western University and the Department of Visual Studies at the University of Toronto, Mississauga...