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two links to pages that are in Japanese. I could not find a detailed description about the net gallery page, but I must assume these projects were all curated and exhibited by the ICC at one time or another. Interestingly, I could find out more quickly what each art project was about by reading the bios of the artists involved instead of trying to figure out the art project webpages themselves . The "media & art square" page, a list of ICC's homepage favorites, includes a link to Pizza Hut. What does Pizza Hut have to do with media & art? Unfortunately, quite a few links under the "meet" and "create" heading appear to be outdated. Although there are some useful websites linked, I can't really recommend this "homepage of homepages." To me the most interesting part of this page is die way they have created categories by grouping webpages according to their utility for humans (although the "connect" and "meet" categories are not very distinct). The features on Paul Sermon's work and Masaki Fujihata's project with NTT are textual only, which makes these pages rather dull. Some (links to) pictures are the minimum, I would think! All in all, the net gallery is the most substantial part of this site, with some links to interesting art projects. But this site needs a lot of work to come up to the level of the ICC as a center for media art. CONFERENCE SCR1ABIN CELEBRATIONS IN MOSCOW Reviewed by Irina L. Vanechkina, Teatralnaya str, 3,fl.3, 420111, Kazan, Russia. Last year, 1997, can rightly be called "Scriabin'sYear."January marked the 125th anniversary of the birth of the composer, and November, the 75th anniversary of Scriabin's Museum. To commemorate the occasion, the Scriabin Museum held a rather short international conference "Prometheus of the 20th century" (7-8January 1997). Nearly all reports made during this conference were more or less "interdisciplinary " in character, since they took account of the versatile gamut of Scriabin's creative activities and interests. The titles of the papers alone are very indicative: "Scriabin and Philosophic Thought of Russia in the Early Twentieth Century" (E. Kut'ina, Moscow); "Scriabin's Personality in the Creative Work of the Painter L. Pasternak and the Poet B. Pasternak" (Yu. Sternin, Moscow); "The Latest Scriabin Sonatas—The Path to 'Mystery '" (A. Bandura, Moscow); "On Newly Found Score of 'Prometheus' with Additional Notes by Scriabin in Light Line" (O. Tompakova). Several reports dealt more directiy with Scriabin's light-musical concepts and ideas. I personally have analyzed all known performances of "Prometheus" within the period from 1915 up to now; I presented a report with a large number of slides and video records that were presented to Scriabin's Museum by the Prometei Institute. A paper entided "Scriabin and His Light Symphony: Myths and Reality" was delivered by B. Galeyev, Director of Institute "Prometei" (Kazan) and transmitted via television, so to say, in "virtual " performance. The artist V. Afanas'ev (St. Petersburg) reported about his attempts to realize ideas of music-color synthesis on a canvas. The reports of other participants, e.g. A. Okada (Japan), were substantial, too, but their themes are outside the scope of Leonardo's interests. An entire complex of public events devoted to the museum'sjubilee was held during the month of November 1997. On opening day a number of reports about the museum were presented (T. Rybakova, director of the Museum; M. Petrova and O. Tompakova, workers), followed by related reports: "Materials about Scriabin's "Light Symphony' in the Museum Depositories" (I. Vanechkina) and "The Contribution of Scriabin's Museum to the Development of LightMusic Art" (B. Galeyev). These two reports by Kazan specialists were both presented in "virtual" form—that is, from a television monitor. (For the majority of Russian scientists, trips to other cities are almost impossible because of the lack of financial means, and it seems that such video conferences will become common in Russia.) On other days of thisjubilee month, a number of memorial meetings were held, e.g. "Scriabin and Poet Baltrushaitis," "Preliminary Action" (including poems and music by Scriabin himself). Also several piano concerts were performed . The final day, 30...

