In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

The second half of the study adds to its usefulness as a textbook. Original letters of petition, along with dispensations, absolutions and declarations are reproduced in Latin and in translation. Each document is representative of a class of supplication or privilege, and each is preceded by an explanation of context and content. Digital photographs of the original manuscripts are presented in series at the end of the book, and they are also included on an accompanying CD. With their superior qualities of resolution, these digital images are valuable to student and teacher alike. A Sip From the “Well of Grace” challenges a new generation of historians to continue to mine a rich vein. It does so by providing concrete examples of the kinds of information about law, religion, and society that medievalists might be able to extract from Penitentiary registers as well as by giving would-be researchers some technical assistance in dealing with archival sources. Elizabeth Makowski Professor of History Texas State University San Marcos, Texas LIBERTÀ RELIGIOSA E RECIPROCITÀ edited by José Antonio Araña. Milan: Giuffrè, 2009. On April 26 and 27, 2009, the Faculty of Canon Law of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome organized a conference, entitled “Libertà religiosa e reciprocità” (Religious Liberty and Reciprocity).The book, the result of the conference, is divided into three parts: 1. Presentations (Relazioni), 2. Shorter studies (Comunicazioni), and 3. Results of the round table (Tavole rotonde). There are eight contributions in the first part: Jean-Louis Tauran discusses the concept of reciprocity in the recent magisterium (Il concetto di reciprocità nel magisterio recente), Fran cesco D’Agostino offers a philosophical approach (Libertà religiosa e reciprocità. Approccio filosofico alla questione), and José T. Martín de Agardealswiththejuridicalaspects(Libertàreligiosaereciprocità).Further contributions include Maurice Borrmans on religious liberty in Islamic countries (Le libertà religiose nei paesi musulmani, tra teoria e prassi), Péter Erdö on reciprocity between various Catholic churches sui book reviews 451 452 the jurist iuris and between Christian confessions (Reciprocità fra diverse chiese cattoliche sui iuris e fra confessioni cristiane), Carlo Cardia on the evolution of the concept of religious liberty (Dalla concezione corporativa alla universalità della libertà religiosa. I rischi di ripiegamento), Vincenzo Buonomo on reciprocity, religious liberty and the protection of human rights in an international context (Reciprocità, libertà religiosa e protezione dei diritti umani in ambito internazionale), and finallyJumana Trad on Libanon as a model of freedom and reciprocity between religions (Líbano: un modelo de libertad y reciprocidad entre religiones). There are fifteen shorter studies (comunicazioni). They include: Diego Aboi Rubio on the question of reciprocity regarding places of worship (Los lugares de culto, ¿Es posible la reciprocidad?), Santiago de Apell ániz on Saint Ambrose (Algunas consideraciones sobre la libertad religiosa en el epistolario político de san Ambrosio de Milán), Paolo Bernardini on the juridical principle of reciprocity (Il principio «giuridico» di reciprocità), María Blanco on religious liberty and laïcité (Libertà religiosa e laicità. Un contributo di diritto globale), Maria Elena Campagnola on mixed marriages (I matrimoni misti), Maricruz Díaz de Terán Velasco on pluralism and tolerance (Factor religioso, pluralidad de las culturas y tolerancia), Maria Aparecida Ferrari on respect for liberty (Rispetto della libertà e tolleranza del male), Mattia F. Ferrero on intolerance and discrimination (Intolleranza e discriminazioni contro i cristiani nelle società occidentali. A proposito del programma OSCE sulla tolleranza e la non discriminazione),Antonio Guerrieri on the problem of reciprocity and places of worship (L’imperfetta simmetria. Il problema della reciprocità nel confronto tra moschee e luoghi di culto di confessioni non-islamiche), Antonio Ingoglia on religious liberty in Brazil (Tutela della libertà religiosa e concordato, oggi in Brasile), Michele Madonna on the sacred character of the eternal city, with a focus on the mosque of Rome (Carattere sacro della città eterna, libertà religiosa e reciprocità. Brevi note sul caso della moschea di Roma), Francisca PérezMadrid on reciprocity, concordates and immigration in Spain (“Más allá de la reciprocidad en las obligaciones concordatarias”. La acción social de las organizaciones confesionales en el fenómeno migratorio español), Stefano Rossano on some European aspects (Ruolo delle religioni e libert à religiosa...

