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Book Reviews IURIS HISTORIA. LIBER AMICORUM GERO DOLEZALEK edited by Vincenzo Colli and Emanuele Conte. Berkeley, CA: Robbins Collection Publications, 2008. Gero Dolezalek, professor at St.Andrew’s University, is probably best known for his irreplaceable Verzeichnis der Handschriften zum römischen Recht bis 1600 published in 1972; but the volume issued in his honor by his friends and students will leave no reader unaware of his powerful influence on European medieval legal history in general. This is not only evident from the list of his numerous print and internet publications (pp. xiii–xxiv), but also and especially from the comprehensive range of topics that the assembled essays represent. They are mostly related to various aspects of Dolezalek’s own work. As far as possible, the editors arranged the papers chronologically, beginning with two papers discussing the conceivable origin and intermittent home of the sixthcentury codex Florentinus:Annalisa Belloni, “Un’ipotesi per le Pandette fiorentine” (pp. 1–16); Antonio Ciaralli, “Materiali per una storia del diritto in Italia Meridionale. ‘Kleine Ergänzungen’ alla storia del codex Florentinus” (pp. 17–35). These are followed by essays with a primary emphasis on civilian legal developments subsequent to the rediscovery of Justinian’s Digest around 1070: Carmen Tort-Martorell, “En torno a Pesaro 26, un manuscrito epitomado del Codex Iustinianus” (pp. 37–60); Martin Bertram and Paola Maffei, “A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Chapter Library of La Seu d’Urgell” (pp. 61–72), impressive comments that are now replaced by the edition itself: Catálogo de los manuscritos jurídicos de la Biblioteca Capitular de La Seu d’Urgell, elaborado bajo la direcci ón deAntonio García y García. La Seu d’Urgell: Bisbat d’Urgell, 2009; Diego Quaglioni, “Vecchie e nuove testimonianze sulla l. Omnis iurisdictio ”; Tammo Wallinga, “Wilhelmus de Cabriano’s Casus Codicis zu C.8.13(14).7 Erste Auswertung einer Fundgrube” (pp. 105–119); Peter Landau, “ ‘Cum essem Mantuae’: Notizen zur Rechtsschule von Mantua im 12. Jahrhundert” (pp. 121–130); André Gouron, “Saint-Gall à la croisée des chemins de l’esprit: sur le manuscrit de Leipzig, U.B., Hänel 14” (pp. 131–139); Linda Fowler-Magerl, “The Thirteenth-Century ordo iudiciarius Quoniam ut ait apostolus of the magister decretalium Bonus The Jurist 70 (2010) 487–519 487 Iohannes in the MS Sankt Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek 745” (pp. 267–280); Antonio Padoa Schioppa, “Martino da Fano processualista. Note sul Formularium ” (pp. 281–292); Douglas J. Osler, “A Survey of the RomanDutch Law” (pp. 405–422); Michaela Reinkenhof, “Miszelle zur kaufrechtlichen Gewährleistung im Digestentext Si vas (D. in Leipziger Handschriften” (pp. 423–431), and on developments in canon law and the ius commune: (Anders Winroth, “An Unnoticed Gratian Manuscript in Stockholm” (pp. 141–144); Gisela Drossbach, “Die Collectio Francofurtana und die fünf Bücher der Compilatio prima” (pp. 145–159); Laurent Mayali, “ ‘Duo erunt in carne una’ and the Medieval Canonists” (pp. 161–175); Chris Coppens, “ ‘Roma communis nostra patria’ ” (pp. 177–191) based on his planned edition of the Summa Animal est substantia; Emanuele Conte, “Res publica. Il modella antico, la politica e il diritto nel XII secolo” (pp. 193–212); Orazio Condorelli, “Tra scuola, pratica beneficiale e attività legislativa. Una quaestio di EnricoAnglico e un capitolo del Liber Sextus (VI.1.7.2)” (pp. 293–313), including text editions; Domenico Maffei, “Osberto da Cremona a Vercelli e una sua quaestio sul giudice testimone” (pp. 315–321) with edition; Gérard Giordanengo, “Quelques propos sur le Dictionnarium juris de Jean d’Erfurt” (pp. 323–344) with a list of topics and selected texts; Julius Kirshner, “A consilium of Torello di Niccolò Torelli of Prato on dos aestimata” (pp. 355–368) with edition; Ennio Cortese, “Intorno all’edizione di Bartolo curata dal Diplovatazio e alla sua ristampa anastatica ” (pp. 369–385); Steffen Wunderlich, “ ‘Nota astutiam italicam!’ Über den Umgang mit Rechtsgutachten der Prozessparteien in der höchsten Gerichtsbarkeit des Heiligen Römischen Reichs zu Beginn des 16. Jahrhunderts” (pp. 387–403). Interspersed with these papers are several essays that did not fit into these two somewhat arbitrary and loose categories: Mario Ascheri, “La pace negli statuti dei Comuni toscani: una introduzione...

