In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Books Received Cassidy, Richard J. Four Times Peter Portrayals of Peter in the Four Gospels and at Philippi. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2007. Coriden, James A. The Rights of Catholics in the Church. Mahwah: Paulist Press, 2007. Delgado Galindo, Miguel. El domicilio canónico. Navarra: EUNSA, 2006. Dyzenhaus, David. The Constitution of Law Legality in a Time of Emergency . NewYork: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Eicholt, Bernd. Geltung und Durchbrechungen des Grundsatzes “Nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege” im Kanonischen Recht, Insbesondere in c. 1399 CIC/1983. NewYork: Peter Lang Publishers, 2006. Falchi, Gian Luigi and Brian Edwin Ferme. Introduzione allo studio delle fonti dell’Utrumque Ius. Vatican City: Lateran University Press, 2006. Hendriks, Jan. Volk Van God Structuur en inrichting van de RoomsKatholieke Kerk volgens her Wetboek van Canoniek Recht (cc. 204–746). Uitgeverij: Columba, 2006. Hervada, Javier. Critical Introduction to Natural Law. Woodridge, IL: Midwest Theological Forum, 2006. Hoebel, Thomas. Laity and Participation A Theology of Being the Church. Religions and Discourse edited by James M. M. Francis, vol. 29. NewYork: Peter Lang Publishers. La Giustizia nell’Attività Amministrativa della Chiesa: il Contenzioso amministrativo. Edited by Eduardo Baura e Javier Canosa. Milan: Giuffrè Editore, 2006. Le Chiese sui iuris—Criteri di individuazione e delimitazione. Edited by Luis Okulik. Venice: Studium Generale Marcianum, 2005. L’Eredità Giuridica di San Pio X. Edited by Arturo Cattaneo. Venice: Marcianum Press, 2006. The Jurist 67 (2007) 555–556 555 556 the jurist Martens, Kurt. Rechtshescheming in de Kerk. Ontwilleling en aanwending van rechtsmiddelen tegen overheidsbeslissingen in de roomskatholieke Kerk. Brussels: Larcier Publication, 2007. Nolan,Ann Michele. A Privileged Moment: Dialogue in the Language of the Second Vatican Council 1962–1965. European University Studies Series XXIII—Theology. NewYork: Peter Lang Publishers, 2006. Osborne, Kenan, O.F.M. The Permanent Diaconate Its History and Place in the Sacrament of Orders. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2007. Pisanus Huguccio. Summa Decretorum Tom. I—Distinctiones I-XX. Monumenta Iuris Canonici SeriesA: Corpus Glossatorum vol. 6. Edited by Oldrich P re rovskỳ. Vatican City: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana , 2006. Sabbarese, Luigi. Girovaghi, migranti, forestieri e naviganti nella legislazione ecclesiastica. Vatican City: Urbaniana University Press, 2006. Studies on the Instruction Dignitas Connubii Proceedings of the Study Day Held at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross Rome, January 19, 2006. Edited by Patricia M. Dugan and Luis Navarro. Woodridge, IL: Midwest Theological Forum, 2006. The Canon of American Legal Thought. Edited by David Kennedy and William W. Fisher III. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006. The Ecumenical Christian Dialogues and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Edited by Jeffrey Gros, FSC and Daniel S. Mulhall. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2006. ...

