
This article discusses the film Mediterraneo, directed by Gabriele Salvatores, in order to problematize and renegotiate its apparent political and historical inconsistencies and contradictions. The film presents a narration of certain events that characterized the role of the Italian nation-state and the fascist regime in the conflict against Greece during World War II. But Salvatores avoids a linear, official, or objective representation of those historical events, and proposes instead a fragmented, subjective, and potentially subversive (re)reading of that period. The deterritorialized spatiality of a Mediterranean island becomes therefore, in this film, an emblematic space of autonomy where a newly formed community temporarily removes itself from the simplistic notions established by the logic of armed conflict. Salvatores thus questions and subverts the implications of a hegemonic, belligerent discourse perpetrated by the nation-states at war against each other.
