In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • A Picture of a Wall
  • Thomas Patrick Levy (bio)

On the walls of the storefront I put a fake picture. On the walls you make a fake heart in the shape of a fake face. A face on a face. A picture of a wall. You wear your bricks like pants and I think YOU’RE THE MOST COLLAPSING WALL. Your notes are the cuffs of your ankles. Your notes are secrets you keep really secret. Your belt sometimes hangs loose around your waist and when I taste you I taste the bag of leaves left too long in the refrigerator. I wilt with you until you crumble apart and say WHISPER ME ONTO THE CARPET. And then all this dust is holes. And then all these holes are pictures. [End Page 44]

Thomas Patrick Levy

The most current information about Thomas Patrick Levy can be found online by typing “Thomas Patrick Levy” into the text box at


