- Contradance
An apostate apostasy called out to menot to turn away from Loveeven if Love turned away from me.
His shadow was long and conjoined with mineand so I took my place in the line.
I held my breath, and breath held me
—the moth to the blue-tipped flare,the raptor’s relation to air—
I’ll love you forever like you once loved me,
he said, then led me in Gypsy Meltdown.We walked a wide circle that pinned my eyes to his.I fell back into the back of a great green wave,
I fell into the swell of a great green wave,I was the flung shell of the sea. [End Page 236]
REBECCA FOUST’s fifth book, Paradise Drive, won the 2015 Press 53 Award for Poetry. The 2014 Dartmouth Poet in Residence, Foust is the recipient of fellowships from The Frost Place and the MacDowell Colony.