Ane Bislev and Stig Thøgersen. Organizing Rural China-Rural China Organizing. Rowman & Littlefield, 2012.
Beatriz Carrillo and David S. G. Goodman. China’s Peasants and Workers: Changing Class Identities. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012.
Emily Chao. Lijiang Stories: Shamans, Taxi Drivers, and Runaway Brides in Reform-Era China. University of Washington Press, 2012.
Yong Chen. Confucianism as Religion: Controversies and Consequences. Brill Academic, 2012.
Yiu Fai Chow and Jeroen de Kloet. Sonic Multiplicites: Hong Kong Pop and the Global Circulation of Sound and Image. Intellect Publishing, 2012.
Jean-Luc Domenach. China’s Uncertain Future. Columbia University Press, 2012.
Xiaoping Fang. Barefoot Doctors and Western Medicine in China. University of Rochester Press, 2012.
Ping Hao. Peking University and the Origins of Higher Education in China. Bridge21 Publications, 2013.
Ann Heylen. Japanese Models, Chinese Culture and the Dilemma of Taiwanese Language Reform. Harrassowitz Verlag, 2012.
Michael Gibbs Hill. Lin Shu, Inc.: Translation and the Making of Modern Chinese Culture. Oxford University Press, 2013.
Shiamin Kwa. Strange Eventful Histories: Identity, Performance, and Xu Wei’s Four Cries of a Gibbon. Harvard University Press, 2013.
John T. P. Lai. Negotiating Religious Gaps: The Enterprise of Translating Christian Tracts by Protestant Missionaries in Nineteenth Century China. Monumenta Serica, 2012.
Joanna I. Lewis. Green Innovation in China: China’s Wind Power Industry and the Global Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy. Columbia University Press, 2013.
Huaiyin Li. Reinventing Modern China: Imagination and Authenticity in Chinese Historical Writing. University of Hawai‘i Press, 2013.
Suping Lu. A Dark Page in History: The Nanjing Massacre and Post-Massacre Social Conditions Recorded in British Diplomatic Dispatches, Admiralty Documents, and U.S. Naval Intelligence Reports. University Press of America, 2012.
Jianbo Ma. The Land Development Game in China. Rowman & Littlefield, 2013.
Franco David Marcri. Clash of Empires in South China: The Allied Nations’ Proxy War with Japan, 1935–1941. University Press of Kansas, 2012.
Mike Mason. Global Shift: Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 1945–2007. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012.
Thomas A. Metzger. The Ivory Tower and the Marble Citadel: Essays on Political Philosophy in Our Modern Era of Interacting Cultures. Chinese University Press, 2012.
Tom Miller. China’s Urban Billion: The Story behind the Biggest Migration in Human History. Zed Books, 2012.
Andrew J. Nathan and Andrew Scobell. China’s Search for Security. Columbia University Press, 2012.
Garret P. S. Olberding. Dubious Facts: The Evidence of Early Chinese Historiography. State University of New York Press, 2012.
Elizabeth J. Perry. Anyuan: Mining China’s Revolutionary Tradition. University of California Press, 2012.
Michael Pettis. The Great Rebalancing: Trade, Conflict, and the Perilous Road Ahead for the World Economy. Princeton University Press, 2013.
Claire Roberts. Photography and China. Reaktion Books Ltd., 2013.
Bruce Rusk. Critics and Commentators: The Book of Poems as Classic and Literature. Harvard University Press, 2012.
Sin-Lin, translated by Steven I. Levine. Shattered Families, Broken Dreams: Little-Known Episodes from the History of the Persecution of Chinese. MerwinAsia, 2012.
Endymion Wilkinson. Chinese History: A New Manual. Harvard University Press, 2013.
Ishikawa Yoshihiro, translated by Joshua Fogel. The Formation of the Chinese Communist Party. Columbia University Press, 2013.
Anthony Yu. The Journey to the West: Revised Edition. University of Chicago Press, 2013. [End Page 508]