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  • Contributors

SUSAN C. ANDERSON is a professor of German in the Department of German and Scandinavian at the University of Oregon. She works on German and Austrian literature and culture from the late nineteenth century to the present. Her research focuses on representations of difference, gender, and the foreign in literature and film; translation studies; transnational approaches to literary studies; concepts of disease and embodiment; and the cultural meanings of water. Her publications have addressed voyeurism and gender in early twentieth-century literature; notions of masculinity around 1900; metaphors of seeing and power; and translation, gender, and assimilation in contemporary literature.

NATALIA ANDRIEVSKIKH is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Comparative Literature at Binghamton University. She received her MA in English from Binghamton University and her undergraduate degree in English from Kurgan State University, Russia. She was a recipient of a Fulbright research grant from 2007 through 2009. Her current academic interests include the study of folklore and mythology, psychoanalysis, and the fairy tale and its appropriations in postmodern literature. She writes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry in her free time and has recently been nominated for a Pushcart Prize by the literary magazine Palooka. She served as managing editor for issue number 4 of the Broome Street Review. [End Page 141]

CATHERINE IRWIN is an associate professor of writing at the University of La Verne, where she teaches composition and creative writing. Her research interests are in contemporary poetry, Asian American studies, and composition/creative writing. She is the author of Twice Orphaned: Voices from the Children’s Village of Manzanar. Her essays have appeared most recently in the Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies and Asian American Literature: Discourses and Pedagogies.

ROBERT JAMES MERRETT, emeritus professor of English, taught for forty-five years at the University of Alberta, which he joined in 1969. His articles have appeared in Australia, France, Germany, Holland, the United Kingdom, and the United States as well as in Canada. He is the author most recently of Daniel Defoe: Contrarian (University of Toronto Press, 2013). He is continuing to work on popular culture, rhetoric and cognitive science.

SUZANNE ROBERTS is the author of the memoir Almost Somewhere (Winner of the 2012 Outdoor Book Award) as well as four collections of poetry. She holds a doctorate in literature and the environment from the University of Nevada, Reno. Her dissertation, “The EcoGothic: Pastoral Ideologies in the Gendered Gothic Landscape,” is an ecofeminist study of the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century gothic. She currently teaches for the low-residency MFA program in creative writing at Sierra Nevada College.

MIKAYO SAKUMA is a professor of English at Wayo Women’s University, Japan. She is a scholar of nineteenth-century American literature and her recent works include “‘Povertiresque’: The Representation of Irish Immigrants in Nineteenth-Century America,” in The Japanese Journal of American Studies 22 (2012); “Presenting Discord toward Harmony: The Presence of Ungar in Clarel,” in Melville and the Wall of the Modern Age (2010); and “Emerson’s Proto-Evolutionary Idea: Its Formation in Transatlantic Contexts,” in Studies in English Literature 48 (2007). She received for 2014 the Fulbright research grant to study the Transcendentalists at Harvard University.

CARMEN SANJUÁN-PASTOR is an assistant professor of Hispanic Studies at Scripps College. She obtained her PhD at Stanford University in 2009. Her research interests focus on contemporary Spanish and Catalan narrative, film, and urban culture. She is currently completing a book that explores the impact of global migrations on the racial and cultural landscape of Spain as represented in texts produced by Iberian, African, and Afro-Iberian authors. Of particular interest are themes of identity, citizenship, conflict, mestizaje, and intercultural debates around notions of value, reason, and modernity. [End Page 142]

ANDRÉ SCHÜTZE is a lecturer in the Department of Germanic Languages and Literature at UCLA, where he completed his PhD in 2013, after receiving his Magister from the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. He has also held teaching positions at Pomona College and Scripps College. His research areas include contemporary, nineteenth-century, and twentieth-century German and Austrian literature; film and media studies; and the connections between paranoia and utopia. Among his publications are articles on...

