In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Night Before, and: Untitled 2
  • Travis LeMont Ballenger (bio)

The Night Before

you open the door the bright light drapes upon my oak desk like a yellow robe on your brown skin you sigh lord i can hear your daddy in that sigh and his daddy and his daddy’s daddy i can hear all the brown daddies who ever had to raise little brown boys i can hear hours and hours of work and sweat days of doubt and regret peppered with occasional laughter baby what we gone do you ask honey i giggle don’t you know your mama speaks through you and her mama and my mama and their mamas’ mamas hell all the brown mamas who ever pushed from their womb hope covered in blood and shit only to inter and sprinkle it soiling her black gloves with brown dirt honey my big brown man I grab your hands in mine put my lips to your lips and pull you to our room you be here with me tonight don’t you know we rebel tomorrow

Untitled 2

i want to wear skirts and jumpsuits and ride around in convertible cars cat calling boys in sagging sweatpants and flashy headbands

i want to dance by fires on the beach and allow the sand to caress the inner portions of my cheeks and let him grab my hips as i dip and slip grinding him out cause i’m a bad bitch [End Page 575]

i want to sweat in the heat of the night dampening my sheets getting sticky and icky and let him kiss sweet kisses on my collarbone

i want to shout at basic white boys in brooks brahs and sperrys screaming in their faces freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and letting that linger till they, embarrassed,

run away [End Page 576]

Travis LeMont Ballenger

Travis LeMont Ballenger is a Brooklyn-based artist. He has created in theater, film, visual arts, and dance. He currently works for Market Road Films.


