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BOOk REVIL\ VA Mark W. Mehrer. Cabokia' s Countr ¥ side Household Archaeology. 1 Sett| eme, it Patients, and Social Power. t 6* Dek. 1111 Not thein Illilioi Univetsity Pie, 1995 230 pp ISBN] 4 41: .. U in * Ki u i rF 0875809655 ( papet), $ 32 00 1**:*** Rinita A. Dalan, George R Hollev, William 1. Wood4,Hat old W.Watters, Jr., and John A. Koepke. Envistoiting Cabokia· A Landscal, e Perspective. 4'« 31 4, 1 »» 54 Dekalb Northern Illinot Uniiersity Piess, 2003 251 pp ISBN found alliong Ibet tall,African,and Native Aniei icin 0875805949 (papei), $ 29 50 populations To hi credit,Winkler,who iS himself ot Mel, iiidiffei, 01 racim Melungeons have always identified howevet, in how each develops a landscape point themselves a white, and genet al|v mal i led people of view and employs It to iliideist. ind Cahoki, 1, the 5(, clety i ecognized 15 white Consequently,as Winlaigest alid mot cotiiple\ picColumbian politw in kle, obseives,c, vet time " they became ' whitel 'but North America Mivsissippian people were a taimnever white enough to completely avoid the hotility ing society,kil( wn toi building mound conipleres, ind suspicicm ot their Cailca41. in iiciahboi s 01 the b and are often described as havii, g been chietdoms epithet 'Melingeon 247) Ho, veze, ,metely callitig a polit, a chietdotii 41,9 Althotigh tiot a iholat ly book,Walk!, igTow, aid , little about how complex a given 5ociety 11»light have tbe Stillbet 14 an excellent case study of p,« ,_. 4 been To pt eface this dicus4 ,--*. 11., al) 4. ** sion, it should be noted that tion of . 1 ti 1lacial identity 111 a racist I. .** Alibi#* amladb/ Illil= t. Amid have been life with factionsociety Use of the extensive exiting MIWIhdl i * l¢ Iwi[ 8[ 4* 1 1 alism, and teseatcheis have alid the authot cites numel oils web . . I. I.4 V the complexity of the Cahokia tc, question On the u hole, howevet, 040 4, t. v.Ill , one often labeled nitnimalist, the most objectike treatnient available * a«¥ M@*/ 05* andinothet somettines called c, n the tri-1 acial gloup known as the 57 1.3** Util@ mmN=@ g, j' 9 11* 1? 3N@ Af" C'* 0 craggeratiolia]15t The two Melungeons Mi* f=*"" 9 * 31* "79 polumes under review 1 eflect i this dii 151011 Mehici's book 4 . -» i: has been claimed by the inintWest Vt/ llita Uililieisity 6 88 01110 VALLLY HISTORY Ii, alists Hhile the 1) 11. in \'(} luiiie should find f. iror u ith those who seek to attribiite greater a,mplexity tc,the Cahokia polity. iii bc, th texts,the aut|1(, rs bring a \, ealth of d. it. 1 to the t. ible ill supp(, rt of their argumetits. 1-Ic, wever, differences emerge both in the e, , il, 1. iii(} 11 ot that data and in the th, oictical positic, iis taken by the alithors. In (: abokia's Cotintn, sicle Mark Mehrer utilizes dat. 2 trc,111 sercral FAI 270 excavatic,iis (federally funded excavations along a highway coi-rid(} r) tc) bililll a i11(, del 01Mississippiati sc, he states, fc, cusing especiall> on lic,usehc, Ids 14 reflected in their material re!11, 1i1is. 1; asicall>·, he argues th, it increasing sc, cial coniplexity shoiild be reflected ill the built environment and in physical evidence Mt craft productioii. While Melirer preselits importalit clat. 1 011 ch. itiges iii hotisehold storage through titiic, the volume was u'ritten over a decade agc), and exca \. itions and publications since theli have greatly ch. inged inatiy sch(, lars' iliiderstandings ofthe rlir. 11 landscape. New studies have ilse, prc, vided a tiic, re sc,phisticated latidscape and spatial theories opon which to draw. For ex, imple, initch of Mehrer' s argument is predicated on the disappearance of village life outside 111otind centers during the rise of C: ahokin. While this was state of the art knozvledge at the tillie of publication,we now know that there were multiple villages in the hinterlands during the decades , inder discussioti. Mehrer's bc, ok opens with soine backgrc,und and hist(, r> of previous investigations, moves tc) a chapter on the...

