In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Contributors BRIAN D. McKNIGH l' is Teaching Fellow of History at the University of Virginia's College : it Wise. His book The Sit, i, zging Gate: Orgailized Warfare,Partisan ( Ionflict.and Sc, cial Initact iii Appalacbian Kentucky and Virgjitia. 186 1-1865, will be published by the University Press of Kentucky in Spring 2006. Mic:HA[, 1. BoWEN is a Ph.D. candidate iii American History at the University of Florida. His dissertatic, n is tentatively titled Fight for the Right: The Quest fc, r Republican Idetitity iii the PostWar Period." DwAi'NE MAc-K is Assistant Protess(, 1-of Ilistory at Berea College and hoIds the (: arter ( 1. Woodsc, n (: hair iii Afric. in Ailiericati Hist)ry. AARON CMWAN is a Ph.D. candidate in Americ. in History at the University of Cincinnati. OHIO VALLEY 1-11 51 () 1

