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BOOK REVIEWS bit, he could have included the place of Columbus in the Crisis of the Union. It would have been interesting to learn how the Republican Party took hold iii Columbus and how the city's sons experienced the Civil War. Seci, ndly,those studying topics outside of Ohio will lament the fact that Cole has not done more to connect the story of Colilinbus to the various historical literatures dealing with national developments in nineteenthcentury America. That said, Cole's knowledge of Ohio is extensive ,and readers interested in a deeper knowledge of the city of Columbus and a description of what happened between the 18105 and 185(} s will find A Fragile Capital a valuable source of information. One therefore can easily imagine graduate students using Cole's book as a starting point fc, r their owii exalnitiation of these and other topics in Ohio history , and as a point of entry into the collections of the Ohio Historical Society. In short, Charles Cole has written a useful book that will serve Ohio historians for vears t() COnie. J. Blaine Hudson. Fugitive Slaves and tbe Underground Railroad in tbe Kentucky Borderland. Jefferson , North Carolina: Mcfarland Company,2002. 215 pp. ISBN: 078641345X (cloth), $ 39.95. Leonard 1. Sadosky Iowa State Unit'el'sitv ecently, scholarship on the history of the Underground Railroadthe movement of slaves escaping north to freedomhas enjoyed a renaissance. Scholars such as David W. Blight in his hook Passages to Freedoin: The Underground Railroad in History this movement, for example, Catherine Clinton's Harriet Tubtitan: The R( ad to Freedom ( 1004), Kate C. 1arson ' s Bolind for tbe Pro, Mise Land: Harriet Titb, itaii, Pc, rtrait of a, 1 Aj, ierican 2004), and Jean M. Humez's Harriet Ttilinitin: Tbe Life and Life Stories ( 2003).Providing a regional study of the Underground Railroad in Kentucky as well as a local study centered in and around Louisville, Fugitive Slaves and tbe U, idergrc, und Railroad in tbe Kentucky Boiderla, id supplements and expinds upc, n these national studies and biographies. J. Blaine Hudson, Professor of PanAfrican Studics and Acting Dean of Arts and Sciences it the University of 1.c} uisville, set out iii this book " to present the histc, rical record pertaining to fugitive slaves and the Undereround Railroad in Kentucky as fully and as accurately as possible,based 011 the available evidence." ( 2) And, indeed, he has succeeded . Huds(, n presents an impressive statistical analysis c,t newspaper runawa> notices, and he thoroughly analyzes the autc, biographical and biographical recollections of 117. iny African Americans who took flight from slavery in Kentucky,accounts written down sc, metiiiies by African Americans and smnetinies by the white friends ot the runaways and Me, nory 2004) have added significantly to the field, as have new studies of notable participants iii 150 Dollars Reward. RANan'. 11-frin the „ 5,? crilast a . egro : In: .r. am, 1 tier on Sa'„;doy the Oth.If Jun, hA About 4 rears of. Ze. 6 fert. irehes high,s:er. der made. a 1,5 l|e 510©. 31!: uldere: 1. 9:£ 1, 1, 21: merk , rom by eentlemen. Said boy n·: 1 employed flir Ic·, 1:5ideratle tit:., r, sabc·: se, er,antby Mr. A. Al!. n. vern keeper. Loui„ ille: i„ictelligent a. J spe34, 4 He wid offincompLD,witaoegri n;an Gamed B L CK, who bas since been tekes and broust:£ back. Satil netro man Crs: r. asseenic Chillicot!: p. Ohio. aboct the Wth of June, and g Prohably krk: sg about thore st : his time. Ei, ob· 11: ct it seems.,*· 1en he stnrted. was te go te Philn· delphia. but k may change. hli roak. Fie toi cbar. gr. 1 4,* name to t!,»: c f GEURGE The-· t Me r, pard will b· 3 g„.· n ifre'utnedto fle subscn· r.r„, di. Ineor I. 0: 1. il': e. Jefer·Gos eou,ty. KIA or seier. ty-live. ( lottan if secured in any jail in the l'nited : 50, i/ h·PubNc ad mh-r, 31.: r, il 2, 1.' 22. Tii m |, e.tilli,] c „ 1 . w , .· i.qi-1 i „„ i Ihe I...

