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Upcoming Events Saint Peter and the Vatican: The Legacy of the Popes, 2000 Years of Art,History & Culture From the works of Michelangelc)tc,those of the 1, alai 1. ami, the Vatican and its museums have becc , me the repository fc, r many of the world' s ureat works of art and objects of priceless historic significance . Beginning Decetiiber 20,2003, more than 350 artifacts from that cc, Ilection including tiiany never befc, re seen by the public -will be on display when Saint Peter and tbe Vatican:Tbe Legacy of tl, e Popes opens for a fc, ur-month shoiving at Cincilinati Musculn Center at Union Termitial. Saint Peter and tbe Vatican is the largest and most significant Vatican colection ever to tour N() rth America atid it is the lar,. est b museum exhibit ever tc) visit Cincinnati, one of just fc, ur cities in the world tc,host this aweinspiring ,unforgettable experience. The exhibit will featiire wmks of at-t hm extraordinary works of art..." Tbe New York Tiines,June 22, 2003 of S: liiit Peter,The Sistine Chapel, the ancient and Renaissance St. Peter' s Basilicas and other reinarkable settings. Objects on display date back to the third century,includilig the fiist known represelitation of the face of Jesus, the Mandylion of Edessa. Other artifacts -frescos, jewelry, sculptures, paititi,igs, vestliients, liturgical objects, maps and 29.\.. 418*' 3( 1 3.. f.IL: * 1 .-«« »* j««»»»« 46» 4 -«« 0<» ..{»·»' 7* 24 6--4 ' / 9jjP* 6-] fhistorical documents -otter an amazing took into the papacy and the Vatican. Learn the stories ot the Vatican' s involvement with historical figures throughout tile centuries, from Genghis Khan to Napoleon. From culture to hist(, ry to art, visitors will be able to exp](, re hori the Vatic. in has impacted, and been ilp pacted hy, the world Michelangelc), Bernini,Cliotto and inally others,pre- throughout the cctituries. sented iii the context of dramatic and immersive Saint Peter and tbe Vatican will be appearing at environments such as representatic)ns of the Tc, nib Cincinnati ] Museuln Center through April 18,2004. More than 250,000 visitors frotii throughout the Midwest and Northeast are expected to attend. This spectacular exhibition is an Don't miss this oticein a lifetitne experience. For ticket infc, 1-niation and reservations, call unparalleled event..." 513287 7001 or 1-800733 2077 , ext. 7001. Art 0 Antiques,June 2003 0111() VALLEY HISTORY 68 Upcoming Deadline for Fellowships and Internships of The Filson Historical Society Tbe Pilson Historical Society invites applications for fellowships and internships. Applications must be received by February 15, 2004. Fellowships and internships are funded by a variety of sources. Fellowships encourage the scholarly use of The Filson's nationally significant collections by providing support for travel and lodging . Internships provide practical experience in collections management and research for graduate students. Fellows as well as interns are in continuous residence at The Filson. Applications are reviewed twice a year,February 15 and October 15. Applicants should indicate how The Filson' s collections are relevant to their research topics and will have the opportunity to present the results of their research to scholars and the general public as appropriate . For more information about fellowships and internships,application procedures,and to view The Filson' s online catalog,please visit www.filson or call 502635 5083 . The Filson is Kentucky's largest and oldest independent historical society with research collections documenting the history and culture of Kentucky, the Ohio Valley,and the Upper South. The Library and Special Collections include rare books, maps, and 1. 5 million manuscripts, forming the best research holdings in Kentucky for the frontier,antebellum ,and Civil War eras in addition to extensive collections for the latenineteenth and twentieth centuries. Fellowships Master' s Thesis Fellowships Eligibility:M.A. candidate at the thesis stage Tenure of Fellowship:One week Amount of Award: 500 Note:Full support is available for oneweek fellowships to encourage use of Filson research collections by M.A. students developing and researching thesis topics. Partial support is available for students residing in Kentucky who travel from beyond the greater Louisvi]Ie area. Filson Fellowships Eligibility:Ph.D. or equivalent,or doctoral candidate at the dissertation stage Tenure of Fellowship:One week Amount of Award: 500 Note: Full support is available for a oneweek fellowship period. Partial support is available for scholars residing in Kentucky who travel from beyond the greater Louisville area. C. Ballard Breaux Visiting Fellowships Eligibility: Ph.D. or equivalent Tenure ofFellowsbip:One month Amount of Award: 2,000 Note:Full support for postdoctoral scholars living outside of Kentucky is available for a onemonth residence. Partial support is available for scholars residing in Kentucky who travel from beyond the greater Louisville area. Applicants for Breaux Visiting Fellowships are automatically considered for Filson Fellowships. WINTER 2003 69 ...

