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Artists h, Ohh). 1787 -1900: A 141{), inlphicci] 1]) ictiinijrv. Compiled and Edited by Mary Say,· c Haverstock, Jeannette Mahoney Vince, : ind Brian L. Meggitt. ( Kent: Kent State University Piess, 20001. 151; N: 0873386[ 67. I088 pp. St fo. Artists in Ohio. 1787- 1900: A Hiographical Diajonary is ain impcirtant new tool to aid in researching the carly artists tif Ohio, many of whom made lasting contributions to the artistic heritage cif both our state and (, ur nittion. Certainly, sLIch renowned artists are well iticumented in other published wcirks, but their presence in this ctimpendium allows easy access tc, basic statistics about 1 their lives : mil work, while ensuring thal thell cung, Icir exainple, were two very fine painters about whi, m d(} cumenlation is scarce. The entries on these tw{) artiwls, amcing lilhers, nrc as complete as could he expected. It appears ih,it the authcirs wel·c quite conicientic }US in their research and, considering the number of pri46 1 mary references cited thrt, ught, ut Artists iii c) bio, they have pit,vided researchers with . 1 valuable shortcut in the expluraticin ok difficult tt,pics. 11·lists 87 () hic) will pri)ve ; ccinvenicni Aciuice f-£ 11 ink, rmaticin about artists of all levels of accomplishment and renown. Mcireover, even the 111(} St skilled researcher will recognize the value of thi5 volume for informaticm on lesser-kni)wn artists wh(} se c, ircers arc pcx)rly dcicumcilted. Indeed, I hilve ft,lind Artists in Ohhi tc, be : ist(, nishingly c() mprchensive iii its LY)verage (, 1 a]· lists abi)ut whz)117 there previously was a ckinipicte dearth c1' ink,rmatic,n available in published form. Thits, fc),· the sch(, lar, 1'01· the student, and Ic>r the casual researcher, Artiwis in () hio will fill : in imptirtant role in prtividing fundamental information that can he either an end in itself Cir the starting p(lint |'( ir mlire extensive study. Anne Timpano Direct( ir, 1) AAI' alleries and University disci,unt the book as a delinitive account (il' tranpc,rtailicin in Ohic).Instead, he aims " to highlight maior events ancl trends wliile pic)viilitig essciiti,11 details tlial explain 11, 2 longterm importance of translicirtatic,n and the state's premier role in a changing picture." Ip. xix) lie succeeds in recounting events in an interesting and easy-it)fc ) 11(, w fashion , but his quest for brevity causes him to Mil shcirt in convincingly pcirtraying Ohic) in a leadership rtile. Ohic) Valley Hist(, ry ...

