In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

448 THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW was egotistical, self-indulgent, and'worldly' tothepointofscandalizing several of hiscontemporaries. Moreover,theauthorisrelatively frankwhendiscussingdisputes which ragedfromtimetotimewithinthediocese, moreoftenthan notinvolving women, academics, orAcadians. Overall,Hanington insists that theVictorian erawitnessed theemergence ofapowerful arrayofeducational, health,and welfareinstitutions withinthe Catholiccommunity of Halifax. Thus,by•9•4,thechurch leadership hadexchanged marginality foraposition of prestige andpower. Hanington's treatment ofthe postwar period is relatively summary but one getsthe impressionthat this was a time of mounting crisisfor Halifax Catholicism. Leadership cameto be exercised by anachronistic men,who equated churchvitalitywithcostly buildingprojects, suchasa newpalace for thearchbishop anda moderncampus for StMary's,thelocalinstitution of highereducation forCatholic males. By•95• thelatterproject hadcarried the archdiocese to the verge of bankruptcy.Althoughfinancialdisaster was ultimately averted, thenexttwodecades broughtnewadversity intheformof secularism andadecline ofreligious commitment. Renewal eventually arrived in thewakeof Vatican•, butbythenthepowerandinstitutional presence of theVictorianchurchhadlargelydisappeared. Wellwrittenand lavishly illustrated, thisbookis likelyto appealto the general reader.Scholars willbedisappointed byitsnarrowfocus andshallow analysis, but criticism shouldbe temperedby the realization thatthisisan ambitious andpioneeringeffort. If hisworkstimulates further research into thestudy of Halifax's Roman Catholic community, thenHanington willhave madea usefulcontribution toNovaScotian historiography. DAVm St•THEa•D Dalhousie University Les D•buts delamission dans leNord-Ouest canadien :Mission et•glise chez Mgr.Vital Grandin, o.m.i. (•829-•9o2).CI•At•DE CI•M•'•G•. Ottawa: Lesl•ditions de l'Universit• d'Ottawa•983. Pp.•76. $•o.oo Le but de l'•tude de ClaudeChampagneestmoinsde tracerl'histoiredes missions dans leNord-Ouest canadien quede,,comprendre laconception dela mission etlavision del'Eglise • hpartirdes•critsdeMgr VitalGrandin,o.m.i. (•8•9-•9o•). L'auteur situesonanalysedansla perspective de la nouvelle probl•matiquede l'histoiremissionnaire - l'exportationdes modulesde christianisme europ•en- tellequed•finieparl'•quipedeJacques Gadilleen France. L'ouvrage, qui estreproductiond'uneth•sede doctorat,suitun plantr•s classique. Le chapitrepremierrappelle,,la preparation/•l'actionmissionnaire ,,requeparGrandindanssonmilieuetpendantses •tudesth•ologiques. Un deuxi•me chapitreg•n•ral d•crit ,,le champmissionnaire ,, o• oeuvre Grandinet son•volution pendantla carri•re de l'Oblat. Trois chapitres REVIEWS 449 analysent defaqon plusprecise lapenske del'dv&que: l'dvang•lisation est•tudi•e h partir de l'initiationh la vie chr•tienne(lesprobl&mes du bapt&me des Indiens); lachristianisation, quiestpourGrandinunapprofondissement dela vie chr•tienne, estvue • travers l'instruction desfid&les,la vie sacramentaire et le r61e des cat•chistes et des associations; enfin, la civilisation concerne davantage le passage de l'•tat origineldesIndienset desMdtis• unesoci4•t• plus•volu•e,bas•esurletravailagricole, laviedefamilleetlavie,,civilis4•e •, c'est-h-dire tellequev4•cue enEurope.Enfin,un dernierchapitreg4•ndral trace le portraitde l'Eglisede Saint-Albert,le dioc&se de Grandin;c'est,nousdit l'auteur, uneEglise sous lesigne del'autorit4•, uneautorit•fondlesurl'ceuvre deDieu,maisuneautorit••piscopale ,,quifavorise l'indig•nisation •. Le principalint/•r&tde cette•tude estqu'ellenousapporteun nouvel •clairagesurlesmissions del'Ouestcanadien: l'activit4• missionnaire y estvue dansune perspective th•ologiqueglobale,mais en liaisondirecte avec l'•volution sociale. Lad4•monstration estclaire,rigoureuse ets'appuie surune documentation abondante. II yapeuderemarques/t fairesurlefond.L'auteurs'entient• l'exposition de la penske de Grandinavecsesrichesses et seslacunes qu'il souligne au passage. On peutregretter,maispeut-onle lui reprocher,qu'iln'approfondisse pasdavantage certains probl&mes, lesrelations entrelesmissionnaires catholiques et protestants, par exemple?De m&me,le fait de s'entenir aux •critsd'unseulmissionnaire limiteforc4•ment laperspective del'4•tude, m&me siGrandin estunt•moinexceptionnel; ilfautesp4•rer queClaude Champagne complete sontravailparune•tude del'ensemble desmissionnaires. Enfin,je crois qu'ily auraiteuavantage hreviser le texteoriginal pour/•vitercestyle acad•mique quimultiplielesr4•p•titions aud4•buts et • la fin deschapitres, ce quiestpeut-&tre utiledans uneth&se, mais quidevient agaqant pourunlecteur ordinaire. Au total, l'ouvragede Claude Champagneapporte une contribution importante • l'histoire ducatholicisme canadien. NIVE VOlSINE Universit• Laval Prairie Spirit: Perspectives onthe Heritage oftheUnited Church ofCanada intheWest. Editedby DENmS L. BUTCHER et al. Winnipeg:Universityof ManitobaPress •985. Pp.xvi,388.$9.95 Thissubstantial butinexpensive volumeisintendedto popularize, in thebest sense, thehistory of theUnitedChurchof Canada onthePrairies, including thatchurch's antecedents in theCongregational, Methodist, andPresbyterian communions. The project,sponsored by the Archives of the Manitobaand Northwestern Conference of the United Church, isthe work of five editors and twenty writers. Thecontents dealwiththethreedenominational traditions that informed theUnitedChurchandwiththethreephases ofthatchurch's growth ...

