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RECENT PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO CANADA PREPARED IN THE EDITORIAL OFFICE OF UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS BY BRADLEY ADAMS Noticein thisbibliography doesnot preclude a laterreview;TnRfollowing an entry indicates areviewalreadyin preparation. Seealso Canadiana, amonthly listof Canadian publications prepared bytheNational Library,Ottawa;International Perspectives; Journal oftheParliaments oftheCommonwealth, issued quarterly bytheGeneralCouncil of theCommonwealth Parliamentary Association ;and,in theUniversity ofToronto Quarterly, 'Lettersin Canada,' published in theJuly issue. MA andPHDtheses listed inthisissue werereported in 298o-iasrecendy completed intheRegister ofPost-Graduate Dissertations inHistory and Related Subjects (CHA),No 26,2982. Sections ofthebibliography omitted fromthisissue forreasons ofspace willbeincluded in later issues. DISCOVERY AND EXPLORATION CARMICHAEL, PATRICK H.Smokey theBearSyndrome Versus Positive Feedback Between Fire,Ecology andHumanPopulations. Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly, v,3,July298I, 2-I 9 CARTWRIGHT, GEORGE. AJournal ofTransactiom and Events, during aResidence ofNearly Sixteen Years onthe Coast ofLabrador; Containing ManyInteresting Particulars both ofthe Country and its Inhabitants not Hitherto Known. AnnArbor,University Microfilms International ,298o.Originallypublished 1792 CHAFE, WALLACE L.andMICHAEL K.FOSTER. Prehistoric Divergences andRecontacts between Cayuga andtheOtherNorthernIroquoian Languages. International Journal of American Linguistics, xxxxvII, 2,April I98I, 121-42 CLERMONT, NORMA•. Legougou deChamplain etlescroyances algonquiennes. Revue d'histoire del'Amiriquefrar•aise, xxxxv, 3, d&c.2982,377'82 DAHL, EDWARD H.and CONRAD E.HEIDENREICH. A CriticalAnalysis of TheNorthpart of America, A Facsimile of EarlyCanadianMaps.Cartographica, xvII, 2,2980,2-23 - The FrenchMappingof NorthAmericaintheSeventeenth Century. MapCollector, I98O, I-22 - TheTwoStates of Champlain's Carte G•ographique. Canadian Cartographer, xvI, •,June i979, i-i6 MCGOVERN, THOMAS H.The VinlandAdventure:A NorthAdanticPerspective. North American Archaeologist, II, 4, I98O'I, 285-3o8 PETTIPAS, LEO, ed.AnEthnographic Account oftheNorthernCree,i648.Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly, vI, I, Jan. I982, I-4O PROt•LX, PAUL. The Subordinative Orderof Proto-Algonquian. International Journal of American Linguistics, xxxxvI, 4, Oct. i98o, 289-3oo SCOLLON, RONALD. 236Years ofVariability inChipewyan Consonants. International JournalofAmerican Linhntistics, xxxxv, 4, Oct. 1979,33'•"42 STOTHERS, DAVID M.IndianHills(33wo4): A Protohistoric VillageontheMaumf. eRiver Valley of Northwestern Ontario.Ontario Archaeology, no36,47-56 296 THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW NEW FRANCE AND ACADIA AQUILA, RICHARD. TheIroquois Restoration: A Study ofIroquois Power Politics and Relations withtheWestern Tribes,17oo-1763 . PHDthesis, OhioState University BOUCHARD, JACQUES. Leth6fitre francais etoccitan enNouvelle-France en16o6. Bulletin duCentre de recherche encivilisation canadienne-fran•aise del'Universitb d'Ottawa, no20,avril 198ø,5-7 CODIGNOLA, LUCA. L'Am6rique duNordetlaSacr6e Congr6gation dePropaganda Fide x622-1799. ]•tudes. Bulletin duCentre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-fran•aise de l'Universit} d'Ottawa, no 2x,d6c.198o,1-12 Dictionnaire biographique des Bretons en Nouvelle-France 1600-1765, Coil. ]•tudes etrecherches archivistique, no4. Qu6bec, Minist•resdesAffairesculturelies, 198 •. Pp.222 HAINES, CEDRIC. L'6tablissement acadien auNord-Est,1755-1826. Revue d'histoire dela soci}tb historique Nicolas-Denys, Ix, 2, mai-aofit1981,3'33 HERV/•, MARXIN. LesFranciscains bretons etlesgens deruer.DeBretagne enAcadie (xxe-d6butxvIiie si•cle).Annales deBretagne etdes Pays del'Ouest, LXXXVII,198o,631-77 HOVDAILLE,JACQUES. Quelques aspects delad6mographie ancienne del'Acadie. Population ,xxxv, mai-juin•98o,58•-6o2 LAMONXAGNE, ROLAND. Prob16matique delaNouvelie-France dansuneperspective d'explorationfranqaise danslemonde.Bulletin duCentre derecherche encivilisation canadienne-fran•aise del'Universit} d'Ottawa, no2o,avril•98o, 1•-14 LEBEL, ALINE. Lespropri6t6s fonci•res desUrsulines etled6veloppement deQu6bec. Cahiers degkographie duQuibec, xxv,avri11981,119-32 MICHELSON, KARIN. A Philological Investigation intoSeventeenth-Century Mohawk. International Journal ofAmerican Linguistics, xxxvII, 2,April 1981,91-1o2 MINNEAULT, MARIO. PierreRevol hGasp6 (175o-58): unarrivantpas comme lesautres. Gaspksie, xIx, 4,oct.-d6c. x981,28-34 PILON-L/•, LISE. Lerkgime seigneurial auQuibec: contribution • unanalyse de latransition au capitalisme. Cahiers duSocialisme, vI, automne 198o,132-69 TH/•RIAULX, J.-YVON. Domination etprotestation: lesens del'Acadienit6. Anthropologica, NSxxIII, •, 198•, 38-72 TH]•RIAULT, MICHEL. Les instituts devieconsacrke auCanada depuis les dkbuts delaNouvelleFrancejusqu '• aujourd'hui: notes historiques etreferences/The Institutes ofConsecrated Lifein Canada fromthe Beginning ofNew France uptothe Present: Historical Notes and References, Ottawa,Biblioth•que duCanada/National Libraryof Canada, •98o THORPE, FREDERICKJ. Remparts 1ointains. Lapolitique frangaise destravaux publics h TerreNeuveethl'ileRoyale1695-1758. Cah/er d'histoire del'Universitb d'Ottawa, no11, Editionsde l'Universit6d'Ottawa,198o.Pp. 194.$6.95 BRITISH NORTH AMERICA BEFORE 1867 BLACKWELL, J.D.WilliamHumeBlakeandJudicial ReformintheUnitedProvince of Canada.MAthesis, Queen's University BURROUGHS, PETER. The OrdnanceDepartmentandColonial Defence,1821-1855.J0urnalofImperial andCommonwealth History, x, 2,Jan.1982,125-49 CARLOS, ANNE. TheCauses andOrigins oftheNorthAmerican FurTradeRivalry...

