In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

NOTES AND COMMENTS SOURCES FORNATIVE STUDIES(CARTOBIBLIOGRAPHY) / DOCUMENTSPOURLES •TUDESSURLES AUTOCHTONES (CARTOBIBLIOGRAPHIE) MapsofIndianReserves andSettlements in theNationalMap Collection. IX:Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories. Nowavailable,freeof charge,from CommunicationServices, PublicArchivesof Canada,395 WellingtonSt ,Ottawa,Canada,KIAoN3 / Cartes des r•serves etagglomerations indiennes delaCollection nationale decartes etplans.xi:Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, TerritoireduYukon , Territoires duNord-Ouest. Volumeoffert gratuitementpaslesServices de communication, Archivespubliquesdu Canada, 395, rue Wellington, Ottawa,Canada,KIAON 3. MILITARY HXSTORY SYMPOSIUM The Departmentof Historyat the usAir ForceAcademy will hostitsTenth MilitaryHistorySymposium on •o-• Octoberx98•.The themewillbe'The HomeFrontandWarintheTwentiethCentury.' Session topics includethetask offorgingnational unityandmobilizing public opinionintotalwar;themobilizationof men, money,and materialfor totalwar; the socialeffectsof war on civilliberties,civil rights,and the role of women;and the interplaybetween limitedwar and domesticpolitics. The Twenty-fifthHarmon MemorialLecture , the symposium keynoteaddress,will be presentedby Professor John Morton Blum of YaleUniversity.Professor Blum will speakon the impactof World War xxon American society. For further information pleasecontact Major James R.W. Titus, ExecutiveDirector, Tenth Military History Symposium ,Departmentof History,usAir ForceAcademy, Colorado8o84ø (Autovon •59-3•3 o or commercial telephone3o3-47•-3•3o). ...

