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ARCHIVES NOTES PUBLIC ARCHIVES OFCANADA (395WellingtonSt,Ottawa,Ont. I{•AON3) The ManuscriptDivisionof the PAChasacquireda numberof important collections in the pastyearincludingadditionalcorrespondence and subject filesfrom EugeneForsey covering hiscareerin the Senate andhisresearch interests, •95o-7o; the correspondence, memoranda,andclippings of Vincent Scully,deputy ministerof reconstruction and supply,•945-8, and NationalRevenue(Taxation), •948-5•, and from •95• to •97• a senior officialwith the SteelCompanyof Canada.Upon completion of the first volume oftheofficialhistory oftheRCAF, theDirectorate of History,National Defence, transferred thepapers ofAir Vice-Marshal Raymond Collishaw and Lt.J.B.Brophy.Alsoacquired werethecorrespondence andresearch notes of twoprominent militaryhistorians, G.W.L.Nicholson andJohnSwettenham . The British Archivessectionof the divisionhasaccessioned 283 reelsof microfilmconsisting of the recordsof the DominionsOffice, •9o7-25 (co 532), includingimportantmaterialon the wartimerelationship between Canada and Britain. SASKATCHEWAN ARCHIVES BOARD, REGINA OFFICE (University of Regina,Regina, Sask.s4sOA2) The provincial government hasannounced plansto construct a newarchives building inRegina inhonourofSaskatchewan's seventy-fifth anniversary. The newbuilding willreplace thecurrentoffices attheUniversity ofRegina Library wherethe archives staffand collections havebeenlocatedsince•967. While detailed plansarenotyetavailable, Saskatchewan's newarchives buildingwill includean exhibitionhall, seminarroom,readingarea,full environmental controls, andup-to-date conservation facilities for itslargecollection of governmentrecords , privatepapers, newspapers, maps,andphotographs. ARCHIVES OFONTARIO (77 GrenvilleSt,Toronto, Ont. •t7A•'R9) Recent acquisitions bythePrivateManuscripts Section include thepapers of Glengarry memberof parliament, ColonelRoderick MacLennan,•89o- •9o5; the papersof notedbroadcaster John Fisher,betterknownas'Mr Canada,' whoserved asspecial assistant totheRtHon.JohnDiefenbaker,•96o-63, and centennial commissioner, •963-7; andadditions to the papersofJ.J.Morrison ,ThomasC. Patteson, andtheCartwrightFamilyof Kingston. Significant 260 THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW collections from Northern Ontario include the records of the Provincial Instituteof Miningat Haileybury,1944-61; andtherecords of theAtikokan miningcompanies, SteepRockIron MinesLtd, 1949-8o,andCalandOreCo Ltd, 1953-9o. Alsoaddedto the holdings aretherecords of the Heintzman PianoCompany of Hanover,1855-198o,andthefinancial recordbooks of JohnMiller,travelling grandlecturerfor thePatrons of Industry,•883-19o6. The Government Records Section has accessioned the records of the following RoyalCommissions: theKreverCommission intotheConfidentiality of Health Records,1977-8o; the LeachCommission into Discounting and Allowances in theFoodIndustry,1978-8o; andtheWilliamsCommission on Freedomof Informationand Individual Privacy,1977-8o. The recordsof Surrogate Courtestate filesnowincludemost counties anddistricts ofOntario upto1939.Importantacquisitions ofmunicipal records include thetownships of Hillier, Grattan, Otonabee, and Russell. Hockey fansandsports researchers alikewillbeinterested intheacquisition of theConnSmythe papers,193o-8o.A sports legend,MajorSmythe built Maple Leaf Gardensand wasownerof the TorontoMapleLeafsuntil 196•,.The papersalsoreflecthisinterestin horseracingandphilanthropy. Other recentaccessions includethe diariesand sketch booksfor the period 189•,-4 of architect Eustace G. Bird; the Souter-Lenz-Taylor Collection of architectural drawings,19o3-38; a collection of source materials relatingto thehistory oftheOrangeOrderandtheWest,1890-194 o,gathered byRobert Pennefather; and the records of the Ontario Associationof Children's Aid Societies, Toronto, 19•,•,-75. The archiveshasalsoacquiredthe diary of AlexanderMuir describing hiscrossing fromAberdeen, Scotland, toQuebec Cityin 1845andhissubsequent visits toMontreal andBytown. Othernotable accessions includean administrative historyof thegovernment of Ontarioin manuscriptwritten by Major B. Handley Geary, vc, Sargeant-at-Arms, OntarioLegislature, and the recordsof the MargaretNice Ornithological Club, 195•-8o. ...

