In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

244 THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW •,¾, D.MinaAre.. The Locationof United StatesManufacturing Subsidiaries in Canada. Economic Geography, xx•vn, 3,Julyi97I, 389-4oo w•s% E.½. Diffgrences deprix et deproductivitg danslesindustries manu[acturi•res Canada ett•tats-Unis, z963. Economic Council ofCanada, Staff Study no35.Ottawa, Information Canada,I97I., 9I. $I.5O wmza_•Ms, ERYAN e. Collective Bargaining andWageEqualization in Canada's Iron andSteelIndustryI939-i964. Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations, xxw, e, avril/April I97X , 308-44 Geography, Transportation, andMigration ANDERSON, C.W. Centennial '7I. The Completion of theEuropean andNorthAmerican Railwayin October,I87I. Canadian Rail, 545,March I975, 7t-89 r•AmUS, r.a•WXS j. Mappingthe Land of Canada.Geographic Journal,cxxxvm,Part 5, June I975, I31-38 •cE•l,, F.A.The Kingston Locomotive WorksI85o-I969. CanadianRail, 54o,Jan. I975, I6-53 r•O•EAV•, JACK andfriends. Hiram Buildsa Railway.Canadian Rail, 54I, Feb.•97e, 44-53- Hiram Walker'srailroadbuildingactivities. •EAVE, RO•m•. A Historyof Settlement in theLacDu BolsBasin, I84o-x97o:A Study in Sequent Occupance. B.C.Perspectives, I, Feb.I975, 4-53 RAY, D. •mr•A•.. FromFactorialto CanonicalEcology:The SpatialInterrelationships of Economic and CulturalDifferences in Canada.Economic Geography, XLVU, 5 (supplement), Junei97I, 344-55 s•oP. Rm,•tA•om•xT •. andc.i.jAC•Cso•. CanadianEnvironments. Geographical Review, •, 3,July i975, 3o9-335 Contributors An assistant professor of historyat Dalhousie University,jUDFFttI*INOARD has published The,•nglican Design inLoyalist NovaScotia,•783-•8•6. IAN19IACl PI-IgRSON isan associate professor in the Departmentof Historyof the University of Winnipeg. N•t,soNwrs•taaNisa doctoralstudent in theDepartment of PoliticalEconomy at the Universityof Toronto. THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW Articles in the REVIEW are indexed in the Canadian Periodical Index and in the Social Sciences • Humanities Index to Periodical Literature and are abstracted in Historical Abstracts. Communicationswith regard to subscriptions and advertisingshouldbe directed to the PeriodicalsDepartment, Universityof Toronto Press,Toronto, Canada MsS IAt. Individualsubscriptions are$8.ooa year.Inquirieswith regardto manuscripts andothereditorial mattersshouldbe submittedto the Editor, CanadianHistorical Review, c/o University of Toronto Press, Room3o4, Toronto,Ontario, CanadaM5S •At. ...

