In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Segregation Index
  • Colin Gordon

Ferguson, race, police, Ladue, black population, African American, poverty, arrests

Percentage of black residents in Ferguson, Missouri: 67

Of black police officers: 5.7

Percentage of traffic stops targeting black residents in Ferguson: 86

Of arrests: 93

Distance in miles from Ferguson to St. Louis suburb of Ladue: 10

Rank of Ladue, by median household income, among cities in Missouri: 2

Percentage of black residents in Ladue: 1

Median household income in Ladue: $160,270

In Ferguson: $37,517

Percentage of Ferguson residents living below the poverty line: 24

Of children in Ferguson: 43

Percentage of Ladue residents with a Bachelor’s degree or higher: 83

Of Ferguson residents: 23

Median value of owner-occupied homes in Ladue: $725,700

In Ferguson: $95,300

Percentage of local revenues obtained from property taxes in Ladue: 64

In Ferguson: 12

Percentage of local revenues obtained from court fines in Ladue: 4

In Ferguson: 14

Rank of court fines and fees among local revenue sources in Ferguson: 2

Number of arrest warrants issued by Ferguson court in 2013: 32,975

Estimated population of Ferguson in 2013: 21,111


Sources can be found on the Dissent website. [End Page 160]


