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  • Livres reçus / Books Received

Livres reçus du 1er septembre 2013 au 15 septembre 2014.

Books received between September 1, 2013 and September 15, 2014.

Ackerman-Lieberman, I. Philip. The Business of Identity – Jews, Muslims, and Economic Life in Medieval Egypt. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2014. Pp. 464.
Allard, Pierre. La constance de Thomas More, Québec, Presses universitaires de Laval, 2013, 148 p.
Anastakis, Dimitry. Autonomous State – The Struggle for a Canadian Car industry from Opec to Free Trade. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014. Pp. 568.
Anctil, Pierre. Jacob-Isaac Segal (1896-1954) : un poète yiddish de Montréal et son milieu, Laval, Presses de l’université Laval, 2012, 448 p.
Andrade, Tonio and William Reger (eds.). The Limits of Empire: European Imperial Formations in Early Modern World History (Essays in Honor of Geoffrey Parker). Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2013. Pp. 386.
Ari, Waskar. Earth Politics: Religion, Decolonization, and Bolivia’s Indigenous Intellectuals. London: Duke University Press, 2014. Pp. 280.
Asch, Ronald G. Sacral kingship between disenchantment & re-enchantment – The French and English Monarchies 1587-1688. New York – Oxford: Berghahn books, 2014. Pp. 278.
Assis, Arthur Alfaix. WHAT IS HISTORY FOR? Johann Gustav Droysen and the Functions of Historiography. New York: Berghahn Books, 2014. Pp. 242.
Azzi, Stephen. Reconcilable differences – A history of Canada-US relations. Don Mills: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. 301.
Baggerman, Arianne. Publishing Policies and Family Strategies: The Fortunes of a Dutch Publishing House in the 18th century and Early 19th centuries. Boston: Brill, 2013. Pp. 560.
Bailey, Martha J. and Sheldon Danziger (eds.). Legacies of the war on Poverty. New York: Russell Sage Fondation, 2013. Pp. 336.
Ball, Stuart (ed.). Conservative Politics in National and Imperial Crisis –Letters from Britain to the Viceroy of India 1926-31. Farnham, Surrey (UK): Ashgate, 2014. Pp. 446.
Barreyre, Nicolas. L’or et la liberté. Une histoire spatiale des États-Unis après la guerre de Sécession. Paris, Éditions EHESS, 2014, 325 p.
Barry, Donald et al. Fishing for a solution – Canada’s fisheries relations with the European Union, 1977-2013. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2014. Pp. 178. [End Page 845]
Beattle, Sean. Donegal in Transition. The Impact of the Congested Districts Board. Sallins (Ireland): Merrion, 2013. Pp. 305.
Beaudoin, Raymonde. La vie dans les camps de bûcherons au temps de la pitoune, Québec, Septentrion, 2013, 176 p.
Beckett, Ian F. W. The Making of the First World War. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2012. Pp. 263.
Béland, Martine. Kulturkritik et philosophe thérapeutique chez le jeune Nietzsche, Montréal, Presses de l’université de Montréal, 2012, 410 p.
Bélanger, Réal. Le fascinant destin d’un homme libre (1868-1914). Henri Bourassa. Québec, Presses universitaires de Laval, 2013, 570 p.
Bellavance, Claude, Yvan Rousseau et Jean Roy (dir.). Histoire du Centre-du-Québec. Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2013, 1030 p.
Belleau, Jean-Philippe. Le mouvement indien au Brésil : du village aux organisations. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014, 340 p.
Bernadou, Vanessa, Félix Blanc, Raphaëlle Laignoux et Francisco Roa Bastos (dir.). Que faire du charisme? Retours sur une notion de Max Weber. Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014, 248 p.
Black, Jeremy. Politics and Foreign policy in the Age of George I, 1714-1727. Farnham, Surrey (UK): Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014. Pp. 298.
Bonnell, Jennifer and Marcel Fortin. Historical GIS Research in Canada. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2014. Pp. 344.
Bouchard, Gérard (ed.). National Myths: Constructed Pasts, Contested Presents. New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2013. Pp. 306.
Brodeur, Raymond, Raymond Giguère et Gilles Routhier. Parce qu’ils y ont cru, on le voit! Le séminaire de Québec célèbre ses 350 ans. Laval, Presses de l’Université Laval, 2013, 274 p.
Brouwer, Ruth Compton. Canada’s Global Villagers: CUSO in Development, 1961-86. Vancouver: UBC, 2013. Pp. 336.
Brunel, Pierre Jean. De Protée à Polyphème : les lumières platoniciennes de Friedrich...

