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  • Contributors

teaches in the English and American Studies departments at the University of Iowa. In his first book, E Pluribus Barnum: The Great Showman and the Making of U.S. Popular Culture (1997), he examined the cultural productions of nineteenth-century showman P.T. Barnum. He recently published his second book, Old and New New Englanders: Immigration and Regional Identity in the Gilded Age, which explores how New England regional identity became an object of contestation in the late nineteenth century between the region’s Yankee and immigrant communities. His current project focuses on conflicts over racial and ethnic diversity in the New South.

is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Graduate School of North American Studies, John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Free University Berlin. He is the author of the German-language monograph Landschaft und Territorium: Amerikanische Literatur, Expansion und die Krise der Nation, 1784–1866 (Landscape and Territory: American Literature, Expansion and National Crisis, 1784–1866) published in 2014 by Wilhelm Fink Verlag, from which the present article has been adapted. He is currently working on a new book project on the temporalities of law in nineteenth-century American literature.

is a PhD candidate in English at the University of Houston. He is currently at work on a study of Herman Melville’s uses of the Knickerbocker magazine as source material, as well as an investigation into the provenance of Melville’s apparently lost essay, “October Mountain.” He is also completing an analysis [End Page 635] of Melville’s attention to mathematics and Platonic philosophy. His primary research interests include Transcendentalism, Romanticism, biography, and the mutual influence between philosophy and nineteenth-century American literature.

is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Wyoming, where she teaches classes in American and British Literature. Her current book project focuses on aesthetic counter-traditions to reform literature and culture from the nineteenth century to the present day. Other articles on American and British writers have appeared in Arizona Quarterly and are forthcoming from Criticism. [End Page 636]


