In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Illustrations


Figure 1. Capt. Harry McMullen as Uncle Joe and W. D. Jobson as Frank Rutledge {5}

Figure 2. Cast of The Drummer Boy {6}

Figure 3. The drummer boy is shot by Frank Rutledge {7}

Figure 4. Robert Gordon, Union veteran, in civilian clothes {11}

Figure 5. Robert Gordon as Tom Elliot {12}

Figure 6. Robert Gordon as Tom Elliot in Union uniform {13}

Figure 7. Robert Gordon as Tom Elliot, wounded at Shiloh {14}

Figure 8. Robert Gordon as Tom Elliot in Andersonville Prison {15}

Figure 9. Robert Gordon as Tom Elliot, returned home on furlough {16}

Figure 10. Robert Gordon in a masquerade {16}


Figure 1. Goya, “And there’s nothing one can do about it” {38}

Figure 2. Production photo of Adelante! {51}


Figure 1. Cover of sheet music for “Après la Guerre” {63}

Figure 2. A familiar image of Elsie Janis with a steel Brodie helmet {65}


Figure 1. Maeyuki Sachiko at the Naniwa Theatre for the show Dorimuto Kokaiki (The Log of the Cruise to the Dream Islands) {136} [End Page ix]


Figure 1. Marilyn Monroe, USO Show, Korea 1954 {210}

Figure 2. Marilyn Monroe poses, USO Show, Korea 1954 {211}

Figure 3. USO Camp Show {218} [End Page x]


