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  • Key Word and Species Index

This index is constructed from author-provided key words and key words in titles. Scientific names were correct when published (according to cited nomenclatures) but have not been updated in this index to reflect current taxonomy. Numbers correspond to article index. Bold entries indicate refereed research articles.

2,4-D 13

aboriginal people 451

Acacia 217; angustissima var. hirta 314; confusa 211; koa 176, 211, 226, 251, 358, mangium 211

acacia, prairie 314

accessions 328

Acer grandidentatum 394

achene 40

Achnatherum hymenoides 330

acid detergent fiber 172; lignin 172

Acoraceae 451

acorns 143, 144, 199, 220; storage 324

Acorus americanus 451

adaptation 139, 155; local 352; traits 140, 308

ADF – see acid detergent fiber

Adiantum 1

ADL – see acid detergent lignin

afforestation 46, 435

AFLP – see amplified fragment length polymorphism

Agoseris glauca 125

agroforestry 305

airplane 343

Alaska 101

Alberta, central 406

alder, green 253; thinleaf 78

alfalfa 304

Alismataceae 238

allee effect 376

Allium acuminatum 212

Alnus crispa 253

alpine 114, 133

Amblyolepis 160

Ambrosia dumosa 146; pumila 229

AMF – see mycorrhizae, vesicular-arbuscular (VAM)

Amorpha canescens 270

Amorpha herbacea var. crenulata 202

Ampelaster carolinianus 223

amplified fragment length polymorphism 154, 200, 221

Anacardiaceae 48, 50, 362

Anaphalis margaritacea 196

Andropogon gerardii 59, 153, 389

animals 166

Anthonomus 390

Apocynaceae – see Asclepiadaceae

apomixis 152

Appalachians, Central 149; Southern 454

applecactus, Caribbean 164

application, large-scale 409

Araceae 168

Araliaceae 70, 72

arbuscular mycorrhizae – see mycorrhizae, vesicular-arbuscular

Arbutus menziesii 130

Arctostaphylos 239; franciscana 410; montana ssp. montana 410

Arecaceae 75, 398, 393

Argyroxiphium kauense 89

arid 219, 243, 316

Arisaema triphyllum 168

Aristida beyrichiana 138

Aristolochiaceae 453, 454, 455

Arizona 146, 197, 354

arrowhead 41; broadleaf 238

art 207

Artemisia 140, 141; cana ssp. cana 55; tridentata 372; tridentata ssp. wyomingensis 412

Asarum 254, 255; canadense 124, 453

Asclepiadaceae 404, 433

Asclepias 404; 433

ash, black 102; green 46, 371

aspen, big tooth 107; quaking 107, 108

asselrue 15

Aster carolinianus 223

Asteraceae 8, 63, 89, 123, 125, 129, 141, 196, 206, 233, 291, 319, 342, 372, 376, 412, 425, 429, 444, 445

Astragalus bibullatus 54; filipes 273

Athyrium 1

Atriplex canescens 322; polycarpa 146; torreyi 322

auger 87, 121

augmentation 133; population 282

Auwahi 92

auxin 52, 73, 169, 414

awns 320

azalea, mountain 169; orange 169

BA – see benzylaminopurine

Baboquivari Mountain 355

Bacillus subtilis 147

Balduina angustifolia 440

Balsamorhiza sagittata 206

balsamroot, arrow-leaved 206

bats 439

bay, Carolina 178; loblolly 34; swamp 178

bean, wild 172

bear root 302

beargrass 289

bedformer 323

bees, bumble 266, 420; ground-nesting 266; honey 266; wood-nesting 266

benzylaminopurine 131

bermudagrass 116

biodiversity 30

bioengineering 32; 310

biological control 267

biomass 59; yield 198

biosolids 223

bioswale 283

birch, water 78

bitterbrush, antelope 209

Black Belt Prairie 422

blackbrush 377, 396

Blackfeet 18

blender 123; modified 96

BLM – see Bureau of Land Management

blueberry, velvet-leaf 399

bluegrass, Nevada 269; Texas 383

bluestem 9; big 13, 389; creeping 132; little 13, 76, 361

bog pools 397

bog, sphagnum 62

boiled 409

book reviews 67, 68, 81, 82, 97, 98, 114, 115, 134, 135, 149, 150, 166, 175, 189, 205, 214, 215, 237, 245, 256, 265, 287, 298, 312, 355, 356, 386, 387, 402, 403, 413, 419, 420, 421, 430, 431, 432, 441, 442, 456

Boraginaceae 258

borer, emerald ash 371

boroughs 435

Bouteloua curtipendula 59, 76; curtipendula var. caespitosa 452; hirsuta 337; repens 311; rigidiseta 338

Brahea 75

Brassicaceae 216

breadroot 263

breeding 61 [End Page 273]

bristlegrass, Catarina blend 339

British Columbia 67

brome 126; Kalm’s 76

bromes, North American mountain 154

Bromus 126; carinatus 94, 113, 154, 195, 308, 352; kalmii 76; orcuttianus 308, 352; sitchensis 195; tectorum 125

Brooklyn Botanic Garden 170

browse 209, 395; protection 209, 225

bryophyte 397

buckwheat, sulphur-flower 196

budburst phenology 183

buds, axillary 131

buffaloberry, russet 99; silver 247

bugbane, Carolina 15

bulb 36, 228; collection 212

bulltongue 41

bulrush 41

bunchgrass 297; wheatgrasses 406

bundleflower, rayado 116; velvet 116

Bureau of Land Management 100, 329

burnet 101

bush-clover, tall 314

buttercup 15

butterfly 404; migration 433; monarch 404; monarch waystations 433; rare 423; regal fritillary 448

C3 grasses – see grass

