In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Subject IndexVolume 8

Ayurveda, 57

Ayurvedic medicine, 391

Balu Chaung, 297

beef, US, 229

Being Nuclear: Africans and the Global Uranium Trade (Hecht), reviewed, 367

Beng shidai: Caituan hua, pinqiong hua, yu shao zinu hua de weiji 崩世代:財團化、貧窮化與少子女化的危機 [Generation of Collapse: Crises of Capital Monopoly, Poverty, and the Lowest Fertility in Taiwan] (Lin et al.), reviewed, 143

Biocapital: The Constitution of Post-genomic Life (Rajan), reviewed, 141

bioethics, 209

bioscience, 107

boundary objects, 107

bovine spongiform encephalopathy, 229

Burma, 297

candlelight protest, 229

Chinese medicine, 25, 107; minority national medicines, 461; traditional, 9

Chinese minorities, 417

Chŏson Dynasty, 347

civil society, 159

clinical ethnography, 9

Cold War, 297

collaborative expertise, 229

communitarianism, 273

comparative history, 175

crime control model, 273

critique of science, 175

databases of traditional knowledge, 461

Depression in Japan: Psychiatric Cures for a Society in Distress (Kitanaka), reviewed, 491

developmental state, 159

digital archives, 439

Diguo de yishi: Wanbade yu Yingguo redai yixue de chuangjian帝國的醫師:萬巴德與英國熱帶醫學的創建 [A Physician to Empire: Patrick Manson and the Founding of British Tropical Medicine] (Li), reviewed, 371

folk and ethnic medicines, 417

forensic DNA typing, 273

Gaihōzu: Teikoku Nihon no Ajia Chizu 外邦図―帝国日本のアジア地図 [Pictures of Foreign Countries: Japanese Empire’s Maps on Asia] (Kobayashi), reviewed, 483

gender, 323

genderscript, 323

genealogy, 107

governance, 209, 273

Governance of Life in Chinese Moral Experience: The Quest for an Adequate Life (Zhang, Kleinman, and Tu, eds.), reviewed, 261

gynecological examination tables, 323

Hikouki no tanjou to kuuki-rikigaku no keisei: Kokkateki kenkyuu kaihatsu no kigen wo motomete 飛行機の誕生と空気力学の形成:国家的研究開発の起源をもとめて [The Invention of the Airplane, the Emergence of Aerodynamics, and the Formation of National Systems of Research and Development] (Hashimoto), reviewed, 375

human embryonic stem cell research, 209

hydropower, 297 [End Page 507]

India, 439

indeterminacy of participation, 229

intangible cultural heritage, 439

intellectual property, 391, 439

Japanese empire, 297

Jiegenfang, 347

Kindai Nihon no kenkyu kaihatsu taisei 近代日本の研究開発体制 [The National Innovation System of Modern Japan] (Sawai), reviewed, 379

Korean mathematics, 347

language, 25

law enforcement, 273

Lee, Benjamin Whiso, 195

liberalism, 273

Looking at It from Asia: The Processes That Shaped the Sources of History of Science (Bretelle-Establet, ed.), reviewed, 257

mad cow disease, 229

mathematical canons, 347

medical humanities, 107

medical semiotics, 9

medicinal plants, 391

Meiyuan niandai de niaoshi bingbu ruyan 美援年代的>鳥事並不如煙 [Anecdotes of Unforgettable Moments in US Aid to Taiwan] (Liu), reviewed, 487

Miandui jibing: Chuantong zhongguo shehui de yiliao guannian yu zuzhi 面對疾病:傳統中國社會的醫療觀念與組織 [In the Face of Disease: Concepts and Institutions of Medicine in Traditional Chinese Society] (Leung), reviewed, 265

Minkun choucheng: Youyuzheng, qingxu guanli, xiandaixing de hei’anmian 民困愁城:憂鬱症、情緒管理、現代性的黑暗面 [People in Trouble: Depression, Emotion Management, and the Dark Side of Modernity] (Ho and Ning), reviewed, 495

modernization, 43

multitentacled participation, 229

Nam Pyŏng-Gil, 347

national medicine, 43

networked public, 229

1980s, 175

1970s, 175

nuclear bomb, 195

Origins of the Development State in Taiwan: Science Policy and the Quest for Modernization, The (Greene), reviewed, 155

overseas development assistance, 297

Park, Chung-hee, 195

pharmaceutical innovation, 57

physics, 195

Postcolonial Science and Technology Studies Reader, The (Harding, ed.), reviewed, 151

postcolonialism, 297

professionalization, 209

property rights, 57

public participation, 159

pulse reading, 9

qualitative evaluation, 9

reformulation regime, 57, 391

Rizhi Taiwan yiliao gongwei wushi nian 日治臺灣醫療公衛五十年 [Fifty Years of Advancement: A Collection of Taiwan’s Medical and Public Health Records under Japanese Colonial Rule] (Chang, ed.), reviewed, 253

science and technology policy, 159

science and technology studies, 175

Science, Public Health and the State in Modern Asia (Bu, Stapleton, and Yip, eds.), reviewed, 363

scientific citizenship, 209 [End Page 508]

scientific governance, 159

Singapore, 273

social movement, 159

South Korea, 175

Southeast Asia, 297

standardization, 25

state knowledge production, 417

stewardship, 439

student movement, 175

systematizing medical knowledge, 417

systems biology, 107

Taiwa no ba o dezainsuru: Kagaku gijutsu to shakai no aida o tsunagu to iu koto 対話の場をデザインする: 科学技術と社会のあいだをつなぐということ [Designing Dialogue Forums: Making a Connection between Techno-science and Society], reviewed, 503

technical aid, 297

technological artifact, 323

technoscience, 159

Ten Thousand Things: Nurturing Life in Contemporary Beijing (Farquhar and Zhang), reviewed, 269

Tianyuan shu, 347

Toxic Archipelago: A History of Industrial Disease in Japan (Walker), reviewed, 495

trading zones, 107

traditional knowledge, 391

traditional medicine, 43; archives, 461

translation, 25

Vietnam, 43

Yushin dictatorship...

