In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 70, 2014 / Index du volume 70, 2014


ahmadian, mohammad mavad and mansoor tavakoli Investigating What Second Language Learners Do and Monitor under Careful Online Planning Conditions 50
araújo e sá, maria hena, maddalena de carlo et silvía melo Acteurs et dynamiques de médiation dans une plateforme de formation à l’intercompréhension 133
baran-lucarz, małgorzata The Link between Pronunciation Anxiety and Willingness to Communicate in the Foreign-Language Classroom: The Polish EFL Context 445
cebrian, juli and angelica carlet Second-Language Learners’ Identification of Target-Language Phonemes: A Short-Term Phonetic-Training Study 474
dobao, ana fernández Attention to Form in Collaborative Writing Tasks: Comparing Pair and Small Group 158
edmonds, amanda and aarnes gudmestad Your Participation Is Greatly/Highly Appreciated: Amplifier Collocations in L2 English 76
gilliland, betsy Academic Language Socialization in High School Writing Conferences 303
gómez lacabex, esther and francisco gallardo del puerto Two Phonetic-Training Procedures for Young Learners: Investigating Instructional Effects on Perceptual Awareness 500
guichon, nicholas and cathy cohen The Impact of the Webcam on an Online L2 Interaction 331
han, huamei Accessing English and Networks at an English-Medium Multicultural Church in East Canada: An Ethnography 220
hardison, debra m. Changes in Second-Language Learners’ Oral Skills and Socio-Affective Profile Following Study Abroad: A Mixed-Methods Approach 415
izquierdo, jesús Multimedia Instruction in Foreign Language Classrooms: Effects on the Acquisition of the French Perfective and Imperfective Distinction 188
kissling, elizabeth m. What Predicts the Effectiveness of Foreign- Language Pronunciation Instruction? Investigating the Role of Perception and Other Individual Differences 532
lundell, fanny forsberg and christina lindqvist Lexical Aspects of Very Advanced L2 French 28
poirier, james et roy lyster Fréquence des pronoms clitiques le, la, les et l’ et leur apport aux indices du genre grammatical dans l’input des enseignants 246
thomas, anita Le rôle de l’aspect lexical et de la fréquence des formes dans l’input sur la production des formes du passé par des enfants apprenants du français L2 en début d’acquisition 1
tipurita, manuela-elena et gladys jean Enseignement explicite du genre des noms en français : expérimentation au primaire en classe d’immersion 279
uribe, cristina, henrietta cedergren and jessica payeras Les effets de l’enseignement des phénomènes d’enchaînement sur la production orale des élèves dans un cours d’espagnol langue étrangère au Québec 559

Winner of the Best Graduate Student Paper Award / Gangant du Concours du meilleur article par un étudiant diplomé

bourgion, renée The Predictive Effects of L1 and L2 Early Literacy Indicators on Reading in French Immersion 355

Focus on the Classroom / Pleins feux sur la classe

kong, stella Collaboration between Content and Language Specialists in Late Immersion 103

Échange d’articles avec Recherches et applications / Le Français dans le monde

cicurel, francine Pensée en action / pensée sur l’action : une fenêtre sur l’agir professoral? 381

Book and Software Reviews / Critiques de livres et de logiciels

ayoun, dalila The Second Language Acquisition of French Tense, Aspect, Mood and Modality reviewed by Anita Thomas 403
causa, mariella Formation initiale et profils d’enseignants de langues reviewd by Ghizlane Laghzaoui 271
edwards, j. Multilingualism: Understanding Linguistic Diversity reviewed by Huamei Han 240
galligani, stéphaniei, sandrine wachs et corrine weber (eds.) École et langues. Des difficulties en contexts reviewed by James Archibald 407
jarvis, scott and michael daller (eds.) Vocabulary Knowledge: Human Ratings and Automated Measures reviewed by Michael Rodgers 409
mcdonough, kim and alison mackey (eds.) Second Language Interaction in Diverse Educational Contexts reviewed by Kris van de Branden 125
moore, danièle et cécile sabatier Une semaine en classe en immersion française au Canada reviewed by Sylvie Roy 128
moyer, alene Foreign Accent: The Phenomenon of Non-native Speech reviewed by Annie Bergeron 588
olthius, marja-liisa, suvi kivela, and tove skutnabb-kangas Revitalizing Indigenous Languages: How to Recreate a Lost Generation reviewed by Margaret MacDonald 123
schweiter, John w. (ed.) Innovative Research and Practices in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism reviewed by Larissa Buss 405
soler, eva alcon and...

