• restricted access Человек в истории. Россия–ХХ век. Всероссийский конкурс исторических исследовательских работ старшеклассников. Сборник работ победителей. Конкурс 1999/2000 ред. по Т. А. Бек и И. Л. Щербаковой, Человек в истории, Россия–ХХ век. Сборник работ победителей 3-го Всероссийского конкурса исторических исследовательских работ старшеклассников. 2001/2002 ред. по И. Л. Щербаковой, Человек в истории, Россия–ХХ век. Сборник работ победителей 4 Всероссийского конкурса исторических исследовательских работ старшеклассников. 2002/2003 ред. по И. Л. Щербаковой, А. А. Рогинского (review)

  • Dorena Caroli
  • Ab Imperio
  • Ab Imperio
  • 2/2009
  • pp. 425-429
  • Review
  • Additional Information
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

425 Ab Imperio, 2/2009 Dorena CAROLI Человек в истории. Россия–ХХ век. Всероссийский конкурс исто- рическихисследовательскихработ старшеклассников. Сборник работ победителей. Конкурс 1999/2000. Вып. 1 / Под ред. Т. А. Бек и И. Л. Щербаковой. Москва: “Мемориал-Звенья”, 2002. 429 с. ISBN: 5-7870-0071-1; Человек в истории, Россия–ХХ век. Сборник работ победите- лей 3-го Всероссийского кон- курса исторических исследова- тельских работ старшеклассни- ков. 2001/2002. Вып. 3 / Под ред. И. Л. Щербаковой. Москва: “Мемориал-Звенья”, 2003. 480 с. ISBN: 5-7870-0071-4; Человек в истории, Россия–ХХ век. Сборник работ победителей 4 Всероссийского конкурса истори- ческих исследовательских работ старшеклассников. 2002/2003. Вып. 4 / Под ред. И. Л. Щерба- ковой, А. А. Рогинского. Москва: “Мемориал-Звенья”, 2004. 384 с. ISBN: 5-7870-0080-3. These three volumes contain the winning works of the All-Russian Historical Research Competitions for upper-grade students, “Individual in History: 20th Century Russia ,” held in 1999–2000, 2001–2002, and 2002–2003. These competitions represent attempts to respond to the crisis in history teaching and hisbecause of better access to food supplies. In Vitebsk, a symphony orchestra and numerous art organizations were organized. Famous artists such as Mark Chagall, El Lissitzky, Yehuda Pen, and Solomon Yudovin took part in city cultural activities and integrated national Jewish elements into the new Soviet culture (Pp. 304-311). In conclusion, it should be added that Zel’tser’s book itself is based on intensive use and analysis of numerous primary and secondary sources. The only shortcoming of this comprehensive research and highly recommended book is its overly broad thematic perspective. 426 Рецензии/Reviews ing in the magazine Prepodavanie istorii v shkole (Teaching History in School). Pupils have thus stopped studying historical facts from the Soviet-era perspective4 of “class struggle,” and started carrying out research on the history of everyday life in their families or regions. These competitions were held after the publication of new history textbooks (A. A. Danilov and L. G. Kosulina for the 9th grade 1995;5 I. I. Dolutskii for the 10th grade, 1994; and V. P. Ostrovskii and A. I. Utkin for the 11th grade, 1995),6 which mirrored the process of de-ideologization of history that is typical for post-Soviet academic research. The history of everyday life written by children clearly illustrates one of the main results of the methodological renewal of history teaching in post-Soviet Russia.7 torical research that began after the disintegration of the Soviet Union.1 Vera Kaplan, Liubov Ermolaeva, and Pinchas Agmon have studied this problem. As Agmon explains, the reforms have led to a “transition from totalitarianism to democracy” and to “humanitarization, humanization and student centered teaching.”2 On the one hand, the competitions have shown the evolution of postSoviet historiography, which, since dropping Marxist interpretations, has started to focus on the everyday life of society.3 On the other hand, they have shed light on the different phases of the renewal of history teaching in Russian schools in the past decade. This has included the drawing up of new programs and history curricula; the publication of new materials; and intense debates on the new conception of history teach1 N. N. Lazukova et al. Istoricheskoe obrazovanie: Tendentsii i perspektivy. Itogi mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii // Prepodavanie istorii v shkole. 1992. No. 2. Pp. 40-48. 2 P.Agmon. The Study of History Teaching in Contemporary Russia: Background, Trends and Challenges // V. Kaplan, P.Agmon and L. Ermolaeva (Eds.). The Teaching of History in Contemporary Russia: Trends and Perspectives. Tel Aviv, 1999. Pp. 13-21. 3 See, f. i.: N. B. Lebina. Povsednevnaia zhizn’ sovetskogo goroda: Normy i anomalii, 1920–1930 gody. St. Petersburg, 1999; N. B. Lebina,A. N. Chistikov. Obyvatel’i reformy: Kartiny povsednevnoi zhizni gorozhan v gody NEPa i khrushchevskogo desiatiletiia. St. Petersburg, 2003. 4 D. Caroli. New Sources for the Teaching of History and of the Constitution in the Soviet Union: Textbooks and School Exercise Books (1945–1965) // History of Education and Children’s Literature (forthcoming). 5 A. A. Danilov, L. G. Kosulina, M. Iu. Brandt. Istoriia Rossii: XX – nachalo XXI veka. Uchebnik dlia 9 klassa. Moscow, 2006. 6 R. W. Davies. Sovetskaia istoriia v eru El’tsina // Evropeiskii opyt i prepodavanie istorii v postsovetskoi Rossii: Materialy iz tsikla seminarov “Podderzhka regional’nykh innovatsii v programmakh i metodakh prepodavaniia istorii.” Moscow, 1999. Pp. 44-64. 7 Iu. L. Troitskii. Deti pishut istoriiu (innovatsionnaia tekhnologiia istoricheskogo obrazovaniia ) // Prepodavanie istorii v shkole. 1999. No. 1. Pp. 24-30. 427 Ab Imperio, 2/2009 of the Russian State University for the Humanities. The competition was aimed at arousing the interest of upper-grade students in the history of everyday Soviet life based on the memories of the older generation. The first volume presents...

