In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

CON'fRIBUTORS WALLACE STEGNER, Professor of English, Stanford University; Wolf Willow: A History, A Story and A Memory of the Last Plains Frontier (1962), Sound of Mountain Water (1969), Uneasy Chair: Biography of Bernard De Voto (1974) T.H. ADA.lOWSKI, Associate Professor of English, Erindale College, University of Toronto LEITERS IN CANADA 1973 FICTION O.HT. Rudzik, Associate Professor of English, University College, University of Toronto ROMANS, RECITS, NOUVELLES, CONTES Gabrielle Poulin prepare un doctorat es lettres fran~aises a rUniversite de Sherbrooke; Rene Dionne est professeur de Iitterature quebecoise arUniversit" d'Ottawa POETRY Michael Hornyansky, Professor of English, Brock University POESIE Jacques Blais, professeur agrege, departement des littc!!ratures, universite Laval DRAMA Alexander Leggatt, Associate Professor of English, University College, University of Toronto THEATRE Laurent Mailhot , professeur agrege, departement d'etudes fran~aisesJ universite de l\1ontreal HU~JANITJES Thomas H. Cain, Associate Professor of English, McMa5ter University ; R.W. Ingram, Professor of English, University of British Columbia; G.R. Hibbard, Professor of English, University of Waterloo; Attila Hj, Professor of Philosophy, Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, University of Genoa; Constant Venesoen, Professor of French Literature, University of Western Ontario; Douglas Bush, Gurney Professor of English, Harvard'; Peter Moes, Associate Professor of French, Scarborough College, University of Toronto; Cian-Paolo Biasin, Professor of French and Italian, University of Texas at Austin; B.H. Bakker, Associate Professor of French, Glendon College, York Univer.-ity; Leonidas I\1. Jones, Professor of English, University of Vermont; Alex Brice, Professor of English, University of Saskatchewan; W.J. Keith, Professor of English, University College; Ann Saddlemyer, Director, Centre for the Study of Drama, University of Toronto; J.E. Chamberlin, Assistant Professor of English, Unive"itv College, University of Toronto; Peter Allen, Associate Professor of English, Universit~r College, University of Toronto; Carlyle King, Bateman Professor of English, University of Saskatchewan; G. de T. Glazebrook, retired Professor of History, University of Toronto; Germaine "Varkentin, Assistant Professor of English, Victoria College, University of Toronto; David M. Hayne, Professor of French, University College, University of Toronto; Sean Kane, Assistant Profeswr of English, Otonabee College, Trent University; S. Cioran, Associate Professor of Russian, McMaster University LES ETUDES SOCIALES Jean-Charles Bonenfant, professeur de droit, universite Laval RELIGION Willard G. Oxtoby, Professor of Religious Studies, Trinity College. University of Toronto PUBLICATlONS IN OTHER LANGUAGES C.H. Andrusyshen, Professor of Slavic Studies, University of Saskatchewan ...

