In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

INDEX TO BOOKS REVIEWED IN 'LETTERS IN CANADA' Prepared in the Editorial Department or University of Toronto Press by Jean Wilson Adams, Charles J. Iranian Civilization and Culture: Essays in Honour of the 2,500th Anniversary of the Founding of the Persian Empire 478 Ahmad, ~ editor Contributions to Asian Studies (2) 478 Almanac of the Ukrainian Voice (J 972) 499-500, 501-2 Ambrozic, Aloysius M. The Hidden Kingdom: A Redaction~Critical Study of the References to the Kingdom of God in Mark's Gospe! 481 Anderson, Charles P. Guide to Religious Studies in Canada 476 Archambault, Gilles Enftmces lointaines 360 Ardies, Tom This Suitcase is Going to Explode 346 Ares, Richard Nos Grandes Options politiques et constitutionelles 467 Arthur, Eric and Dudley Witney The Bam 451-3 Aspler, Tony The Streets of Askelon 352 Aster, Howard and Jane Meintjie Home on the Hill 496-7 Atwood, Margaret Surfacing 344-5; Survival: A Thematic Guide to Canadian Literature 440-4 Bacque, James A Man of Talent 347-8 Bailey, Alfred G. Culture and Nati()Mlity 440-4 Baillargeon, Noel Le Seminaire de Quebec som l'episccpat de Mgr de Laval 459 Balderstone, Greg Spoke 370 Barbeau, Jean Manon Lastcall, Jaualez-moi d'amour 365 B"bour, Douglas White 369 Barette, Jacqueline Ca-dit-qu'essa-a-dire 366 Barriault, Sreur Yvette Mythes et rites chez les Indiens montagnais 479-80 Bates, Ronald and Hany Pollock, editors U tters from Alaft 423--5 Baum, Gregory New Horizon: Theological Essays 4B2 Bavier, Richard et al The Study of Judaism: Bibliographical Essays 476 Beaulieu, Michel La Representation 360 Beaulieu, Victor-Uvy Un Rlve quebecois 360 Beausoleil, Claude Intrusion ralentie 384 Began, Elisabeth Lettres au cher fols, Nicole Deschamps, redacteur 462 Belanger, Henri Place al'homme: eloge du francais quebecois 470-1 Bell, Don Saturday Night at the Bagel Factory 351-2 Bergeron, Gerard Du Duplessisme a Tnuleau et Bourassa 462 Bertrand, Lionel MemOOres 464-5 Bertrand, Pierre L'Homme incendie, poemes de 1965 385 Berube, Renald V oix et images du pays 362 Bessette, Gerard L'Anthologie d'Alberi Laberge 362 Bibeau, Paul Andre Porte silence 360 Billon, Pierre L'Ogre de barbarie 361 Birney, Earle, Bill Bissett, Judith Copithome, and Andrew Suknaski Faur Parts Sand 367 Blais, Marie-Claire Le Loup 359 Blicker, Seymour Schmucks 35 1 Blondeau, Dominique Demain, c'est l'orient 360 Bohemier, Albert La Faillite en droit constitutionneI canadien 474 Bouchard. Gerard Le Village immobile: Sennelyen-Sologne au xvme siecle 463 Boumeuf, Roland et Real Ouellet L'Uni1lers du roman 362 Boutiller, Guy et Jean Meynaud Le Choc des langues au Quebec 473 Bowman, John Comparative Religion: The Charles Strong Trust Lectures 19611970 479 Bowering, George The Sensible 368 Boxer, Avi No Address 371 Boyle, Harry The Great Canadian Novel 350 Brault, Jacques Trois partitions 364 Brewster, Elizabeth Sunrise North 372 Brown, Cassie and Harold Horwood Death on the Ice: The Great Newfoundland SeaUng Disaster of 1914 488-9 Brun, Henri et Guy Tremblay Droit pubUc fondemental 474 Buell, John The Shrewsdale Exit 346 Buitenhuis, Peter The Grasping Imagination : The American Writings of Henry James 412-13 INDEX 509 Bujold, Michel Transitions en rupt'ure 382 Butler, Juan The Garhageman 345-6 Campbell, Jane The 'Retrospective Review' (1820-1828) and the Revival of Seventeenth-Century Poetry 391-3 Carle, Pierre etJean-Louis Minel L'Homme et l'hiver en Nouvelle-France 470 Caron, Ghislain Du Langage 471 Carrier, Roch Is It the Sun, Philibert? 354-5 Carriere, RP. Gaston Histoire documentaire de Ia Congregation des Missionaires ObLats de Marie-Immaculee dans l'est du Canada Ct. 10) 460-1 Carroll. David, editor George Eliot: The Critical Heritage 403-5 Casgrain, Therese F. A Woman in a Man's World translated by Joyce Marshall 445-7 Cayouette, Raymond et Jean-Luc Grondin Les Oiseaux du Quebec 490 Chamberland, Paul Eclats de la pierre noire d'o," rejaillit ma vie, poemes suivis d'une revelation 385-6 Chapdelaine, Peuil Au Bland Pilon 383 Chaput-Rolland, Solange Les Heures sauvages 465-6 Charbonneau, Robert FonnIe, Romanciers canadiens 362 Charron, Fran~ois, Au 'Sujet' de La poesie 383 Clement, Gabriel Histoire de l'Action Cathelique au Canada fra~ais 486 Cloutier, Eugene...

