

This article aims at analyzing differences between Finnish and Russian Karelia. Karelians have been divided between Russia and Sweden/ Finland since the Middle Ages. Even the inclusion of Finland in the Russian Empire did not lead to the unification of Karelia as Finland was given a special status within the Empire. The realization of the so called “Scandinavian economic miracle” in late 19th century Finland made the Grand Duchy an important socioeconomic and cultural factor for the emerging Karelian national consciousness. Karelians in Russian Karelia were attracted to the economic center of gravity in Finland, while the imperial authorities were unable to provide measures that would guarantee the economic development of the region. Although the economic expansion of Finland in Karelia was highly efficient, Russian Karelians still remained Orthodox Christians, which pulled them toward Russia. Finally, as a result of multiple factors of development, Karelians were drawn increasingly to specifically Karelian identities rather than joining in Finnish or Russian national projects.

