In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • British ConservatismIts Political Ideas
  • Alexander Brady


1. J. Ramsay Macdonald, The Socialist Movement (London, 1911), 110.

2. Quintin Hogg, The Case for Conservatism (Penguin), 14.

3. The debate within the party is discussed by L. S. Amery, My Political Life, I, chapter IX.

5. In 1901 the House of Lords, acting as the final appeal court in England, decided in the Taff Vale Railway case that a trade union was liable for damages for wrongs done by its agents.

6. G. M. Young, Stanley Baldwin, 31–2.

7. L. S. Amery, My Political Life, III, 224. For the same reason Baldwin won the plaudits of many outside the party, including the socialist Harold Laski, who in 1930 wrote to him that “the spirit you represent has made the peaceful evolution of English politics much more certain than it would otherwise have been.”

8. Keith Feiling, Life of Neville Chamberlain (1946), 84.

9. Ibid., 197.

10. Robert Boothby, I Fight to Live (London, 1947), 103.

11. The bill providing for the London Passenger Transport Board originated with a Labour Government, but after the defeat of Labour in 1931 was ultimately piloted through the House of Commons by a Conservative minister in the National Coalition Government.

12. One of the most significant of these documents was the Industrial Charter (1947), which called for a “strong central guidance of the economy.” While officially accepted by the Conservatives, it aroused mixed feelings in some. To the Daily Express it was simply “another version of the old planned economy of the Socialists.”

13. Quoted in R. J. White (ed.), The Conservative Tradition (London, 1950), 35.

4. Three leading economic historians of the time supported tariff reform: William Cunningham, W. A. S. Hewins, and W. J. Ashley.


