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  • Index to Volume 75

agrarian law in Ireland, see Orr

Amerindian sovereignty, see Tung

Aristotle, see Pesic

aryans, see Cook

ATKINS, JED W., on Euripides’s Orestes, 1–22

Bacon, Francis, see Pesic

BANTJES, ROD, on perspectiva artificialis, 307–38

Baronio, Cesare, see Mazur

Berkeley, George, see Pearce

BERNS, ANDREW D., on Paradise in Jewish thought, 351–71

CELENZA, CHRISTOPHER S., review-essay on Renaissance philosophy volumes in Ideas in Context series, 653–66

communism in 1960s Italy, see Saresella

Confucianism and feminism, see Kim

CONSIDINE, JOHN, on John Jamieson, Franz Passow, and lexicography, 261–81

COOK, SIMON JOHN, on nineteenth-century British identity, race, and ethnology, 629–49

Davies, Sir John, see Orr

Durkheim, Émile, see Özavci

Enlightenment, see Grote; see Schmidt

Euripides, see Atkins

evolution, see Finnegan

FINNEGAN, DIARMID A., on Christian responses to the creation of Eve, 283–305

Greek colonization in Italy, see Urquhart

Greek philosophy, see Atkins

GREGORY, BRAD, review-essay on Reformation history volumes in Ideas in Context series, 667–75

Gregory of Nyssa and the concept of the divine, see Ramelli

GROTE, SIMON, review-essay on religion and Enlightenment, 137–60

Ideas in Context series, Cambridge University Press, see Celenza; see Gregory; see Metcalf; see Schmidt

identity, British, see Cook

imperialism, see Metcalf

Im Yunjidang, see Kim

Indian intellectual history, see Metcalf

Jamieson, John, see Considine

Kant, Immanuel, see McQuillan

KIM, SUNGMOON, on Im Yunjidang’s Confucian feminism, 395–416

LÆRKE, MOGENS, on Gottfried Leibniz and the encyclopedia, 237–59

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, and the encyclopedia, see Lærke

lexicography, see Considine

liberalism, see Metcalf

Locke, John, see Pearce

Macchiavelli, Niccolò, and rhetorical strategy, see Stacey

MAZUR, PETER A., on Cesare Baronio’s Apologeticus, 213–35

MCQUILLAN, J. COLIN, on Immanuel Kant, Moses Mendelssohn, and freedom of conscience, 581–604 [End Page 703]

medical ethics, see Schwartz

Mendelssohn, Moses, see McQuillan

METCALF, THOMAS R., review-essay on liberalism and British Empire volumes in Ideas in Context series, 687–95

music history, ancient Egyptian, see Rehding

musicology, Victorian, see Zon

Oakeshott, Michael, see O’Sullivan

Olympiodorus, see Atkins

Origen of Alexandria and the concept of the divine, see Ramelli

ORR, D. ALAN, on John Davies and agrarian law in Ireland, 91–112

O’SULLIVAN, LUKE, on Michael Oakeshott and left-wing politics, 471–92

ÖZAVCI, HILMI OZAN, on Émile Durkheim and the Republic, 113–36

paradise in Renaissance Jewish thought, see Berns

Passow, Franz, see Considine

PEARCE, KENNETH L., on George Berkeley’s religious epistemology, 417–38

perspectiva artificialis, see Bantjes

PESIC, PETER, on Francis Bacon and liberty, 69–90

Philoponus, see Atkins

Philostratus, see Atkins

Plotinus and the concept of the divine, see Ramelli

Plutarch, see Atkins

probabilism, see Schwartz

RAMELLI, ILARIA, on the divine in ancient Platonism, 167–88

Reformation history, see Gregory

REHDING, ALEXANDER, on ancient Egyptian music history from 1650 to 1950, 545–80

Renaissance philosophy, see Celenza

republican thought in Turkey, see Özavci

RUTHERFORD, EMILY, on John Addington Symonds and the intellectual history of homosexuality, 605–27

SARESELLA, DANIELA, on Catholics and communists in Italy, 493–512

SCHMIDT, JAMES, review-essay on Enlightenment history volumes in Ideas in Context series, 677–85

SCHWARTZ, DANIEL, on probabilist moral theologians, 373–93

SHYOVITZ, DAVID I., on Christians, Jews, and the theological meaning of werewolves, 521–43

STACEY, PETER, on Niccolò Machiavelli’s political philosophy, 189–212

Symonds, John Addington, see Rutherford

TUNG, TOY-FUNG, on Francisco de Vitoria, 45–68

URQUHART, LELA M., on ancient Greek colonization in Italy, 23–44

Vitoria, Francisco de, see Tung

werewolves, theological meaning of, see Shyovitz

ZON, BENNETT, on Victorian musicology, 439–69 [End Page 704]


