Permissions and Acknowledgments
- Manoa
- University of Hawai'i Press
- Volume 16, Number 1, 2004
- pp. 216-217
- 10.1353/man.2004.0021
- Article
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Manoa 16.1 (2004) 216-217
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Permissions and Acknowledgments
"To Rule the Universe" by Maha Ghosananda from Step by Step by Maha Ghosananda, edited by Jane Sharada Mahoney and Philip Edmonds. Berkeley: Parallax Press, 1992 . Reprinted by permission of the publisher.
"Communicate, They Say" by Soth Polin, "Love on Cowback" by Hak Chhay Hok, "Ghouls, Ghosts, and Other Infernal Creatures" by Chuth Khay, "A Mysterious Passenger" by Kong Bunchhoeun, and "I Hate the Word and the Letter t [Ta]" and "The Accused" by Khun Srun were originally published in French in Europe (Paris), May 2003 , in the feature "Littératures d'Asie du Sud-est"; translations from Khmer to French by Christophe Macquet. Reprinted by permission.
"Crossing the Killing Fields" © 2004 Min Keth Or. Printed by permission.
Bophana: A Cambodian Tragedy by Rithy Panh, © 1996 by CDP-INA-France3; a coproduction of CDP Productions, France3 Documentary Programs Unite, INA. Executive producers, Center for Audiovisual Production (Cambodia), Claude Guisard and Catherine Dussart, CDP(France). Produced with the support of the French National Center for Cinematography, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture-International Affairs Department, PROCIREP, and the Center for Cambodian Cinema. English translation printed by permission of CDP Productions.
"The Diabolic Sweetness of Pol Pot" by Soth Polin, from Le Monde18 May 1980 . Reprinted by permission of The New York Times Syndicate, Paris.
"Welcome" and "The Letter (Prisoner of War)" by praCh from the CDDalama...the end'n' is just the beginnin' © 1999 Mujestic Records, and "art of faCt" by praCh from the CDDalama...the lost chapter © 2003 Mujestic Records. Printed by permission of the artist.
"Only Mothers Will Embrace Sorrows," "Water Buffalo Cobra and the Prisoner of War," "The Loss of My Twins," and "Mad Scene" by U Sam Oeur from Sacred Vows by U Sam Oeur, translated by Ken McCullough and the author. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 1998. Reprinted by permission of the publisher. [End Page 216]
Special thanks to the following individuals for their help: Klairung Amratisha, David Chandler, Cheam Kosal, Youk Chhang, George Chigas, Catherine Dussart, Hongly Khuy, Christophe Macquet, Mao Somnang, Mey Son Sotheary, Tomoko Okada, Bruce Sharp, Soth Polin, Dith Pran, U Sam Oeur, Loung Ung, Bhavia Carol Wagner, and Teri Shaffer Yamada.
We would also like to thank the following organizations for their assistance to the people of Cambodia, and we urge readers to contact and support them:
The Dith Pran Holocaust Awareness Project, Inc., P.O. Box 1616 , Woodbridge, NJ07095, http://www.dithpran.org.
The Documentation Center of Cambodia (DC-Cam), Youk Chhang, Director, P.O. Box 1110, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, http://welcome.to/dccam, http://www.dccam.org.
Center for Khmer Studies, 210 East 86 th St., Ste. 204, New York, NY 10028. center@khmerstudies.org.
Association of Khmer Writers Abroad, Association des Écrivains Khmers a l'Étranger, B.P.78, 95370 Montigny-les-Cormeilles, France, aeke@ifrance.com.
Khmer Writers' Association, Wat Botum, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.