In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

LETTERS IN CANAD.A: 1947 295 York, Rineharq Toronto, Clarke Irwin, xviii, 574 pp., $6.50). MacLeod (M. _ A.) ed., The letters of Letitia Hargrave; with introduction and notes (Toronto, .Champlain Society, cliv, 310, xiv pp:, n.f.s.). MacNaughton (K. F. C.), The development·of thetheory and practice of education·in New Brunswick, 1784~1900: astudy in historical background; edited with an introduction by ·ALFRED G. BAlLEY; foreword by MrLTON F. GREGG, V.C.,, C.B.E., M.C. (University of New Brunswick historical studies, no. 1; Fredericton, N.B., the University, 20, 268 pp.). Manitoba, Province of, Report of the Manitoba 'Royal·Gommission on adult education, by JoHN J. DEUTScH, HAROLD A. INNis, F~ANCES McKAY, A. W. TRUEMAN, chairman (Winnipeg, King's Printer, 170 PP:)., :Masters (D. C.), The rise of Toronto, 1850-1890 (Toronto, University of Toronto F'ress-Saunders, xii, 239 pp., $3.75). Millman (T. R.), Jacob Mountain, first Lord Bishop of Quebec: ~ study in church and state; 1793-1825 (Univer~ity of Toronto studies, History and economics series, vol. X; Toronto, University of Toro.nto Press-Saunders, viii~ 320 pp:, $4.00). · Murchie (Guy), ' Saint Croix, the sentinel river: historical sketches of its discov.ery, early conflicts and final. occupation by English and Ameri·can settlers with some comments on Indian life (New Y.ork, Duell, Sloan & Pearce; Toronto, .Collins, ,xx, 2.Sl ·pp., $4.00). Plewman .(W. R.), Adam Beck and the Ontario Hydro.- (Toronto, Ryerson, xxii, 494 pp., $5.00). *Rich (E. E.) ed., Minutes of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1679.:1684: second part, 1682,.:84;. with an introduction by *G. N. CLARK (Hudson's Bay Company series,-vol. IX; Toronto, Champlain Society, 1946, xlviii, 368, xv pp.). Riddell (W. A.), World security by conference (Toronto, Ryerson·, xii, 216 pp.,·$4.00). Rosengren (E~ M.), Readings in money and banking .(Toronto, U.!1iversity of Toronto PressSaunders ; x, 330 pp., $4.00). Sissons (C. B.), Egerton Ryerson: his life _ and le~ter~; val. . II (Toronto, Clarke Irwin, xii, 678 pp., $7.50). Skelton (Isabel), A man austere.: 'William Bell, parson and pioneer (Toronto, Ryerson) xxvi, 337 pp., $4.00). Taylor (Griffith), Canada: a study of cool continental environments and .their effect on British-and French settlement (London, Eng., Methuen; Tororito, Saunders, xvi, 524 pp., ill., $6.00); Our evolving civilization: an introduction to geopacifics, geographical aspects . of the path toward world peace; with 108 texr illustrations (Toronto, University of Toronto Press-Saunders, 1946, xvi, 370 pp., $4.25). Yates (S. W.), The Saskatchewan Wheat Pool: its origin, organization and progress, 1924-1935, with some reference to the Alberta and Manitoba Pools, and to the Pools' central selling agency; edited by ARTHUR S. MOJtTON (Saskatoon, United Farmers of Canada, Saskatchewan Section Ltd., 218 pp., $_1:50). V. CRITICAL, .BIOGRAPHICAL, AND MISCELLANEOUS WRITINGS I • ' J. c. GARRETT AND OTHERS This section, which completes the survey of Canadiai1 letters in English, deals with all the miscellaneous works formerly included under the heading of-"Remaining Material," except that Professor Brady's review of scholarship in the social sciences has been printed this year as a separate essay. 1 Theoretically there should also have been another section .for scholarship in the humanities, but it would be next to impossible to find one reviewer competent and willing to undertake such a task, and, besides, as the QuARTERLY has a special responsibility to repres~nt this area of studies, notable Canadian books on the humanities are usually reviewed sepa~atdy, often before the appearance of the issue which contains "Letters in Canada." Scant and cursory consideration of such works in the April survey is a~ in~e;se, me''asure of their importance in the other three issues of the year. 6 296 THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO QUARTERLY ' '·The arrangement-of the material is about the same as formerly, w~th one exception._ A head-line has been added to each numbered sub-section .to-indicate-subject and author and to take the place of editorial-explanations in connective· paragraphs and foot-notes. 1. CRITICISM, .BIOGRAPHY, "AND AUTOBIOGRAPHY J. c. GARRETT During the past year several signincant books in the general field of the humanities...

