In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

LETTERS IN CANADA: 1948 309 (MARGAR.ET), This new Canada (Toronto, Dent, xvi, 328 pp., $3.75). MASSEY (VINCENT), On being Canadian (Toronto, Dent, xvi, 198 pp., $3.00). MERKEL (ANDREW), Schooner Bluenose; photographs by W. R. MAcAsKILL (Toronto, Ryerson, x, 70 pp., $4.50). MoRLEY (E. L.) comp., A Perth county bibliography (Milverton, the author, 12 pp.). ONTARIO HISTORICAL .SoCIETY, Ontario history; papers and records, vols. XXXIX, XL (Toronto, the Society, c/o the Treasurer, G. W. Spragge, 84 Gormley Ave., 194:7, 1948, 132, 108 pp.). PATTERSON (F. H.), Acadian Tatamagouche and Fort Franklin (Truro, N.S., Truro Printing & Publishing Co., 1947, viii, 84 pp., $1.50). PIERS (HARRY) and MACKAY (D. C.), Master goldsmiths and silversmiths of Nova Scotia (Halifax, Antiquarian Club, 161 pp.). PIERSOL (M. B.), The records of the Van Every family: United Empire Loyalists, New York State, 1653-1784; Canada, 1784-1947 (Toronto, Best Printing Co., 1947, pp. viii, 131). RAnDALL (T. H.), Halifax, warden of the north; illustrations by DoNALD C. MACKAY (Toronto, McClelland & Stewart, xx, 348 pp., $6.00). REEVES (H. K.), In the shadow of the sleeping giant: an historical sketch of Port Arthur, Ontario (Port Arthur, Chamber of Commerce, 1947, 24 pp., 60c.). RoBINSON (L. B.), Esquimalt, "place of shoaling water'' (Victoria, Quality Press; Esquimalt, B.C., the author, 445 Admirals Rd., 1947, 128 pp., $1.50). SANDWELL (B. K.), The gods in twilight: delivered in the University auditorium, Friday, October 30, 1947 (Hewitt Bostock memorial lecture in Canadian citizenship, no. I; Vancouver, University of British Columbia, 18 pp.). ScHREPFER (LUKE). Pioneer monks in Nova Scotia (Tracadie, N.S., St. Augustine's Monastery, 1947, xii, 228 pp.). SrssoNs (C. B.) ed., Letters of Mary Lewis Ryerson from 18321842 (Victoria University occasional papers, no. 1; Toronto, the Library, Victoria University , 18 pp.). THE STORY OF FREDERICTON: Fredericton's 100 years: then and now; published under the direction of His Worship, the Mayor and the Council of the city of Fredericton (Official centennial books; Fredericton, xviii, 265 pp.). THOMSON (M. M.). Excavating Ontario history (Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, 1947, 24 pp.). WALKER (ANNIE) et al.~ Fifty years of achievement: in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Women's Institutes of Ontario (Toronto, Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, 163 pp.). WALWORTH (ARTHUR), Cape Breton: isle of romance (Toronto, Longmans Green, xx, 172 pp., $3.50). WATSON (W. R.). And all your beauty (Toronto, Macmillan, xii, 385 pp., $3.50). WATERLOO HISTORICAL SoCIETY, Thirty-fifth annual report, 1948 (Kitchener, the Society, 68 pp.). *WICKSTEED (BERNARD), Joe Lavally and the paleface (Toronto, Collins, 191 pp., $2.75.). 7. Remaining Books THE EDITOR One notable volume on education appears on this year,s list, The Function of the University by the Reverend R. S. K. Seeley, Provost of Trinity College, Toronto. It is composed of six lectures delivered at the Hazen Conference in the summer of 1947, and some of the informality of the occasion is pleasantly retained in this brief but stimulating book. The discussion centres on "The Nature of a University," "The Vocational Aspect of University Teaching/, the university,s responsibility for the cultural and moral development of its members, student self-government, and "The Relation of the University to the Community." Dr. Seeley looks at these questions from the point of view of a graduate of one of the ancient English universities and the head of a comparatively small residential church college, but he is strongly aware of the dilemma which confronts all our colleges and universities in varying degrees. Briefly, how can a university be true to the ideals which it should represent when it may depend for its very life on governments sensitive to every popular pressure, is usually handed over to the ultimate control of business men with their alien 310 THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO QUARTERLY code of values, and is crowded with too many young people without intellectual curiosity who have come to the university for economic and social reasons "from homes where books are a rarity and conversation seldom reaches an abstract level" and where the cultural standards are generally fixed by the movie, the radio, and the newspaper? The ideal of a...

