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LETTERS IN CANADA: 1948 295 Arnold: a study in conflict (Chicago, University of Chicago Press; Toronto, Ryerson, · xiv, 224 pp., $3.50). EvANS (D. A.), Le socialisme romantique: Pierre Leroux et ses contemporains; preface par EnouARD DoLLEANs (Biblioth~que d'histoire economique et sociale; Paris, Marcel Riviere, 262 pp.). HICKS (R. K.) trans., Marc Lescarbot's Theatre of Neptune; with an introduction by Principal W. L. GRANT, as originally published in the Queen's Quarterly (Marc Lescarbot books of New World poetry; Lower Granville, N.S., Abanaki Press, 1947, 12 pp., 75c.). KENNER (HucH), Paradox in Chesterton; introduction by HERBERT MARSHALL McLUHAN (New York, Sheed & Ward, 1947, xxiv, 157 pp., $2.00). MAcKAY (L.A.), The wrath of Homer (Toronto, University of Toronto Press--Saunders, x, 131 pp., $2.50). PERCIVAL (W. P.) ed., Leading Canadian poets (Toronto, Ryerson, x, 271 pp., $3.50). RoYAL SoCIETY OF CANADA, Transactions, Section II: literature, history, archaeology, sociology, political economy, and allied subjects, meeting of May, 1947 (Ottawa, the Society, 135 pp.). SEDGEWICK (G. G.), Of irony, especially in drama; new ed. {Toronto, University of Toronto Press-Saunders, xii, 127 pp., $2.75). THOMPSON (D. B.), Swans and amber: some early Greek lyrics freely translated and adapted {Toronto, University of Toronto Press-Saunders, xii, 194 pp., $2.75). WILsoN (R. A.), The miraculous birth of language; preface by GEoRGE BERNARD SHAW; new ed. (New York, Philosophical Library; Toronto, McLeod, 256 pp., $4.50). 3. Books on Religion W. S. McCuLLOUGH The Reverend R. C. Chalmers, Associate Secretary of the United Church of Canada's Board of Evangelism and Social Service, offers in The Pure Celestial Fire an "Evangelical interpretation of Christianity." By "Evangelical" he appears to mean a distinctive type of Christianity, Christ-centred and scripturally inspired, which endeavours to rediscover the essential experience of the Apostolic Church. The book displays considerable familiarity with the religious thought of Protestantism, and is at the same time a useful digest of the various ideas and traditions repre· sented in the United Church. The basic material is well organized, but its presentation is accompanied by so many quotations from other writers, most of whom are in substantial agreement with the author, that a certain prolixity results and the development of the subject is correspondingly retarded. And while Dr. Chalmers argues (p. 210) for "a rewriting of our theological creeds and confessions of faith,, he himself does not venture into such troubled waters. He restates some things, but at bottom he sticks to the premises of traditional Evangelicalism. The Clock of Destiny by the Reverend D. F. Kemp, No Coward Soul by the Reverend David A. MacLennan, and The Indwelling Christ by the Very Reverend George C. Pidgeon come from Anglican and United Church clergymen. Mr. Kemp's book, the shortest of the three, is probably intended for private devotional reading, whereas the other volumes record sermons preached in their authors~ Toronto churches. They all represent an exceptionally high level of Christian preaching. If the Church in the present world seems helpless and at times almost moribund, it is not the fault of this kind of vigorous and challenging leadership. A Church History for Canadians by the Right Reverend Philip Carrington , Archbishop of Quebec, "is written for the young people of the 296 THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO QUARTERLY Church of England in Canada." Its purpose is to trace the development of the Anglican tradition, and it is therefore largely concerned with the history of Christianity in England. To cover so large a subject in 348 pages is no easy task, and it has obliged the author to deal with his theme in a rather broad way. There are some minor errors in matters of fact, but by and large this work by a liberally nrinded churchman is well done. ] ames Cardinal McGuigan by C. L. Fisher is a rather laudatory biography of Canada's first English-speaking cardinal. The various stages in the career of this Prince of the Church are faithfully recorded, as is his interest in Catholic education. The stature of the Cardinal is unfortunately obscured by the author's tendency to dwell upon ecclesiastical details. The account of the Archbishop's visit to Rome in...

