In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE LEON EoEL is a well-known American critic. His latest book is James Joyce: The Last Journey. A. GILLIEs, Professor of German Language and Literature at the University of Leeds and visiting lecturer in German Literature at Harvard University, 1946-7, is the author of various books and articles on Goethe and Herder. SAMUEL KLIGER is Assistant Professor of English at Duke University. A. R. M. LowER, the a~ thor of Colony to Nation (1946), is Professor of History at Queen's University. JoHN K. McCREARY is Professor of Psychology at Sarah Lawrence Coll~ge. GRAHAM MciNNES is Ca-ordinator of Graphi~s for the National Film Board, Ottawa. W. A. RIDDELL, who is Professor of International Relations at the University, has recently published World Security by Conferena. Principal W. R. TAYLOR of University College, in the University, is a distinguished Orientalist. \ HELEN WADDELL was one of the founders of the Ulster Literary Theatre and is well known· for her researches in medieval romance. Her book, The Wandering Scholars, is appreciated by Latinists and lovers of good English prose. GEORGE WHALLEY is Assistant Professor of English 4t Bishop's University and the authorof two volumes of poetry. H. S. WILSON; Associate Professor of English at University College, in the University, has recently edited Gabriel Harvey's Ciceronitmus. ...

