In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

LISTS OF PUBLICATIONS' FRENCH-CANADIAN MERLE STOREY I. SELECTED PERIODICALS (SupplemtlzllO lhl prinlui ;71 "Lmerl;n Canada, 1936") Les Corntls Ju Theolague, Jolic:tte, P.Q. (Les Scolastiques de Saint-Viateur; quarterly; 1936+; ed. G. Lamarche: religion; letters; poemSi rl!:views). L'Enseigntmml primoirt, Quebec, 79, Chemin Sainte-Foy {monthly. 1880_1937; n.s. 1937+: Bulletin oRicicl du D~partement de l'Instruction Publique}. .... fA Famillt', Montr~a[, 2010, rue Dorchester ouest (Les Peres Franciscains; monthly; 1937+ (in succession to Lo Ttmpironu); social questions}. Le Jour, Montreal, 263, rue Ste-Catherine est [; 1937+; ed. J.-C. Harvey: current events; letters}. . Lt Mauricien, Trois-Rivieres, 1563, rue Royale (monthly; 1936+.; cds. R. D'ouvilJe and C. Marchand: lenersi current events; poemSj reviews]. LeJ CEuvres d'Aujourd'''ui: Rccueil Lill!ra;re Trimeslrie/, Montr~al, Edns. de I'A.C.•F. (quarterlYi 1937~: essays, poems, short stories, plays). I Lu Pamphltls de lIal4om6re, SaInte-Adele, (Terrebonne), P.Q. [monthly; 1936+'i ed. C.-H. Grignon: political and literary). Lo Relivt, Montreal, 36, ave. Roskilde [10 issues; 1935+i ed. C. Hurtubise: literary critieism; reviews). II. CULTURAL AND LITERARY HISTORY OF CANADA A. Selected Works of Reference Almanael: au ptuple BeAuchemin pour 1937 (68me annEt). Monlreal, Beauchemin , 480pp., 25c. LEVESQUE, ALBEn. us Canditns j ron,a;s dn. eux: Almanad ae la langut jran,aise. Montrhl, Action canadienne-frant;aise, 84pp., 25c. Revd. eFron. nov. Societe des Ecrivain! canadiens. Prtm;tr hu/lt/in bibliograp"ique, Annie /937. Montreal, Le Devoir, 12pp. B. Selected Studies in lfistorical and Contemporary Background BU.BEA.U, MA.RIU S. ~ulbec ou: surDil foncienne Franu. 111. de MUJORlE BOIlDEN. Quebec, Garneau, vii, 176pp. French version of Eluthcc, where andenl France linKers (1936). Revd. A.U fev. 1938. 'All references in the list are to 1937 except when ano~her date is given. Following many of the items listed, attention is drawn to more extended reviews in other periodicals. An asterisk marks the names of those authors whom we believe not to be Canadians. The following abbreviations have beeQ. used: AU I -Aclion uniuers;tairt; BRH-Bulltlin des Ruherches historiques; C-Can,.odian; CFran-Canat!afr'm~ais.· CHA-Canadian Historical Associalion report; Mlm. S.R.C.; NC-Nos Cah;trs; ~RtDlU Dominicaint; RTC-Rtuut trimesJriellt canadienne; RUG-lUvue de l'Un;D"sil! t!'Ollawa. 572 LETTERS IN CANADA, .1937 BOLOUC, EY1I:LTI'I. Alanut! dt ! iti,lllllt lour/mit pllrmi It: 6rJl'lni SQci1t1 ,.nll· Ji",,,,-j,..,,ft4i.u. (Otta",., tbu. I'auteur, 191, rue Mcl eod.! IJOpp. BU TON. P.•E. C.p.d,./tJ.Madd,;nt, titl "'.111;,/"1 dt MlJri" (Pages !riAu_ viennu ••~ r. A, no. 20.) Troi••Riviere,. Edns. du "Bicn Pu blic," l lJpp. Revd. CFrtm. oct. CH~N I EI. AUGUSTl»", NOltJ hiIfor i,utJ Ill" It TlmiJltlminlUt. Qu~bcc. Action cuhoiiquc, 137pp., i1.00. DAVID, L..o. us paJriow at 1837./838. (1884 ed. Montr~al. Beauchemin , 32Opp., $1.00. D'tSll.oSII!:u, Lto.P"ut.. L'Qtulm;t: um/ DurA,,", tlll Canada. Monlrhi, Impr. du Devoir, 149pp., $1.00. DU'OIS, EWILE. u ftu it fa Rjf);~l't_Ju_ Chtnt: Elut/, hilfO";fUt sur It mou~munt ;nlllrTlcJ;onn,1 J, ISJ; "II nord dt Mow/ri.l. PrHact de JU~r.s.EDOUAlD Pabon. St. jf;rbrne, P.Q.,lmpr. j ..H.•A., Labelle, J 4lpp., $1.50. Rcvd. CFran. nov. Ouod:, AUX.A.I'IDJ.a. NDI'rt JuroivllnujrtJ"(lli.u. (Cornit~ r~gional, 2e Congth de b Langue fran.,;aisc i Qu~bec. 27 juin.ler juillct 1931.) Montrbl,lmpr. du Mculgcr. 16pp. FU.TI.A U, Gtu.aD. L4 n.'llIm" J'unt nll/ioll: TallltdU Ju Cdlllldd en 17SS. Tome 1. GltJlrllpl!it tt hwilutiDnJ; Tome II. Pit ellllUrtllt tl flit ItDno",i9ut. (Documents histonque!.) Montr.!;al, Edns. de I'A. C..F., 207, 235pp.• $1.00 Ie vol. GtUN, LI\ON. u l:lpt 1"",tJ",i9ut tl srltill/ .10 tllnlldiufJ: MilituJt IIlricolo .It (rllt/i';Dn jrlln(lIju. Tome J. (Science sotialc.) Montreal, Ednl. de l'A. C..F., 221pp., $1.00. lei anI paul • .. ; U m(JnU1Jf,nt tlu CII/tdU tlu. PDridit. Chitoutimi, Pubn5. de...

