In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

LETTERS IN CANADA: 1937 LISTS OF PUBLICATIONSI ALISON EWART I. SELECTED PERIODICALS (Supplement to list printed in "Leltcrs in Canada, 1936") British Columbia Historical ftuarterly, Provincial Archives, Parliament B1dgs., Victoria [pub. by Archives of B.C. in co-operation with B.C. Hist. Assoc.; quarterly; 1937+; ed. W. Kaye Lamb]. Canadian Science Digest, London, Onto {monthly; 1937+.; ed. W. Venner). Canadian Thinker, 328 Smith St., Winnipeg [monthly; 1937+; ed. S. Bingham: current problems, recreational activities, Canadian literature]. Public Affairs, Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University [quarterly; 1937+; ed. R. M. Fielding]. Spotlights: Toronto Fortnightly, 351 Sherbourne St., Toronto [first nos. called Swizzles; 1937+; ed. T. G. Roberts: arts and letters, music, painting, d~ncing]. ' Pic/oria" Library Bulletin, Victoria University. Toro!3to [to be pub. at intervals; 1937+3 [ed.. R. G. Riddell]: purpose to make resources of library known). , The following periodicals have been discontinued: AulhorJ' Sign-Post; New Frontier; Pagahond. II. CULTURAL AND LITERARY HISTORY OF CANADA A. Select~d Works of Reference BER.RY, E. R. See COOK, S. J. and Canada, Dept. of Public Printing and Stationery, Division of Documents. Calalogue oj oDicial publications-oj the parliament and governmenJ of ConadD; June, 1937. Ottawa, King's Printer, 114pp. See also A. L. NOR.MANDIN in OLR Aug. 107-12. Canada, Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Canada, 1937: Officia' handbook of present conditions and recent progress (191pp., 25c.); Canada year boole, 1937: Official SJatistical annu41 of the resources, hi.story, institutions and social and economic conditions of the Dominion (xlii, 1126pp., $1.50); Seventh censu,S of Canada, 193/, 1. Summary (1936, 1520pp., $1.50). Ottawa, King's Printer. IAll references in the list are to 1937 except when another date is given. FolJowing many of the items listed, attention is drawn to more extended reviews in other periodicals. An asterisk marks the names of those authors whom we believe not to be Canadians. The following abbreviations have been used: ACE -Association of Canadian Bookmen, Literary Bull.; BCHfi-Britisn Columbia Historical ffb-arterlYi C-Canadian; CB-Canadian Bookman; CCom.-Canadian Comment; CF-Canadian Forum; CGJ-:Canadian Geographical Journal; CHACanadian Historical Association report; CHR-Canadian Historical Rcview; CJEPS-Canadian Journal OJ Economics and Political Science; CM-Canadirm Magazine; CNR Mag.-Canadian National Railways Magazine; CPM-Canadian Poetry Magazine; Cr.-Crucible; CT-Canadian Thinker; Cur. Call-Curlain 401 THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO QUARTERLY Canada, Library of Parliament. Annual supplemenllo Ih~ catalogue of: Classified lisl of all books and pamphlets added to the library from Jan. lsI to Dec. 31st, 1936. Ottawa, King's Printer, x, 175pp. Canadian almanac and legal and tourt directory for the year 1937. Ed. by H. C. CORNER. Toronto, Copp, Clark, 681pp., $6.00. Canadian Hislorical Reuiew, March, June, Sept., Dec.) 90-1, 219-21, 343-4, 459-60: "A~chives and libraries." Ibid., March, Ju~e, Sept., Dec., 92-3, 221-3, 344-7, 455-9: "Canadian historical societies." Ibid., March, June, Sept., Dec., 94-111, 224-44, '348-66,461-80: [ALISON EWART, List of] "Recent publications relating to Canada." Ibid., March, 111-22: T.F. Me:, lLWRAITH, {Publications on] "Ethnology, anthropology, and archaeology." Canadian Journal oj Economics and Political Scienet, Feb., May, Aug., Nov., 150-62;298-310, 477-88, 615-26: ALISON EWART, "Bibliography of current publications on Canadian economics." COOK, S. J. and BERRY, E. R. (camps.). Handbook of .scientific and technical Jocieties and institutions of Canada. (Reprinted from Bull. no. 101, National Research Council, United Slates IJandbook of scientific and tecimica/ societies and institutions of Ihe United States and Canada, ed. 3, Washington.) Ottawa, National Research Council, 227-83pp., SOc. . *DE' RICCI, SEYMOUR and "'WILSON, W. J. (eds.). Census of medieoal jjnd renaissance manuscripts in the United Slates and Canada. Vol. II. ·Paris, [N.Y., H. W. Wilson], xviii, 1l04-2343pp., $7.50. 5000 facts about Canada. 1937 ed. Founded by F. YEIGH. Toronto, Ontario Pub. Co., vi" 90pp., 35c. *GREGORY, WINIFRED (ed.). American newspapers, 1821-1936:. Union list of jiles aoailable in the United States and Canada. N.Y., H. W. Wilson, 791pp. *McCoY, JAMES C. Jesuit relations of Canada, 1632-1673: A bi/;/iography. , Paris, Rau, xv, 31Opp., 225 fro McKim's directory of Canadian publications, 1937: Complete...

